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iUnitedStates app review: get to know your country a little bit better



Learning about the various states has never been more easy. You can now do it from the convenience of your iPhone or iPad using the iUnitedStates app.

What we have here is a wonderfully simple yet highly effective app that will help you learn about various aspects of each state within the U.S. ranging from the state capital to the state bird.

You can find this app in the Education section of the App Store where it is available for purchase for just 99 cents.

Let's take a look at its features.

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Red, White, & Blue

If you have ever been quizzed about any of the states within the U.S., and failed to answer, you might've suffered some patriotic humiliation and embarrassment. You no longer have to feel this way as this app will bring you all the information you need to know, and with time and practice, you can quiz your friends and come out on top!

Say you're going on a road trip through a few states and want to get along with the people you meet on the way, you can study up no matter where you are. The app takes up just 0.6 MB of space on your iOS device, and is yet completely self-contained, which means that once you've downloaded and installed this app, you can access the information contained within even if you are not connected to the Internet via 3G or WiFi.


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Alphabetized states
Alphabetized states

UI & Content

When you launch this app, you will see a list of all the states within the U.S. Upon selecting the state of your choice, you will be taken to a new screen where you will see all the information beautifully laid out against a thematic red, white, and blue backdrop. At the top you'll see the state nickname and motto inscribe above the state flag.

Other information includes the state capital, union admission date, population (as of 2008), state bird, and state flower.

Unfortunately there is a problem with this app: the information hasn't been updated since its release in April 2009, which makes the population data completely redundant.


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Launch screen
Launch screen



Pros & Cons


  • Receive an alphabetized list of all the states in the U.S.
  • Learn the state nickname, motto, and take a look at the flag
  • View information about each state such as the state  capital, union admission date, population (as of 2008), state bird, and state flower
  • Enjoy the information even if you are not connected to the Internet


  • This app hasn't been updated since its launch in 2009, which makes the population information redundant


State info
State info

Final Words

Whether you're going on a road trip or you want to ace your political science class, iUnitedStates will help you learn all you need to know about each of the states, bringing you all you need to know at your fingertips on your iPhone or iPad.



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Neha Sinha

Neha has been writing and editing since 2010 and has been reviewing iOS apps since early 2014. She has lived in four different countries and loves having the world at her fingertips thanks to these awesome apps.