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2 and 4 app review: a user-friendly metronome



What's the best way to keep time when playing a musical instrument? By a metronome of course. The 2 and 4 app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone provides users with a metronome that is completely free to use. The app is very clean and minimalist so that you are able to use the basic tool without interference. There are a few small tools included to make the experience all the more useful.

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2 and 4: Free Metronome


A Less-is-More Approach

The 2 and 4 app uses the less is more approach so that users can focus completely on the music and create the sounds that are perfect. While it's certainly simple and sleek there are a few notable features here; for instance, the app features BackBeat. This means you'll hear beats two and four and then beats one and three you'll need to hear all on your own. This helps you to hone your musical skills even more and really learn to find the beats. The app has high-quality sound and is extremely accurate making a tool that even professional musicians can use.

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This is a brand-new release so it doesn't yet have a customer rating or customer comments. There are also no updates at this time. The app is free to download and use which means there is no reason not to give it a try and start enjoying the benefits.

A clean and uncluttered user interface
A clean and uncluttered user interface

Create Audio Perfection

The 2 and 4 app helps you to create audio perfection with ease whether you are just starting to explore your musical talents or you’re a seasoned veteran. The user interface offers large buttons that are easy to tap on, a simple metronome complete with the arm moving back and forth, and smooth functionality. There is a helpful information page should you need it that explains the beats and what you’ll hear. There is one negative however and that’s the fact the app is supported by ads which appear across the bottom of the screen as a banner ad.

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Musicians who perform out and about, students who attend lessons, and those who just like the practicality of this traveling tool will find they quickly become hooked. You may just find that your musical skills actually improve with the use of the app. The learning curve here is very small so you’ll be able to take full advantage of its benefits right from the start.

The app offers simple functionality
The app offers simple functionality

2 and 4: Free Metronome


Pros and Cons


  • The app is simple and easy to use
  • Use this on the go and improve your musical skills
  • The user interface is clean and uncluttered
  • The app is accurate and effective
  • There is no in-app purchases required
  • The app allows users to hear the backbeat


  • If you’re looking for a fully loaded metronome with all kinds of bells and whistles this isn’t the app for you

Final Thoughts

The 2 and 4 app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone provides a user-friendly way to stay on the beat and really improve your musical skills.

2 and 4: Free Metronome

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