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Best Love Stories app review: an app to read all of the best love stories



Best Love Stories (with search) is an iPhone and iPad story app full of Jane Austin, the Bronte sisters, Henry James, and others. Each book is an example of masterful work of the time.

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Best Love Stories (with search)


Many Love Stories to Enjoy

Best Love Stories includes Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, The Portrait of a Lady, Romeo and Juliet, Lady Susan, The Peal of Lima (A Story of True Love), Northanger Abbey, and Mansfield Park, to name a few. The app has a search function that searches the full works easily for topics of interest such as animals, specific locations, names, and so on if you cannot remember the title or want to flip to a specific chapter easily.

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It is also easy to read this app because it has 12 text sizes. If it’s too small, make it bigger, and if you want more text on your screen, then shrink it back down. I also like that there is a double-tap option to scroll down to the next page so you don’t need to slip the page. Landscape mode hides the menu bar so you can see more text too. There's no extra clutter on the screen.

How it Reads

Best Love Stories will remember your place in each story when you need to put it down, or need to switch the story for a little while. If, for example, you are reading Wuthering Heights on your own but reading Romeo and Juliet to your students, then you can have a bookmark in each. As mentioned above, each book can be viewed in different size for different readers too. If you’re using it on an iPad for the class, then each student can have a bookmark in different books.

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The menu has three options at the top of about, settings, and search. Settings is where you’d find the tap to turn option, text colors, and font size. Default is medium which is a little smaller than I’d prefer myself at approximately 10 point. Extra large is closer to a 12 point which is where I would set it for comfortable reading. It’s where I set it on my computer while working, and the size I print documents at for submission.

Best Love Stories (with search)


Pros & Cons


  • $2.99
  • Multiple font size options
  • Font color options to set a screen that’s easier for you to read
  • Double-tap to turn the page
  • Many different books including Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, and many many more
  • Searchable database covers all pages in the texts


  • None found

Final Thoughts

Best Love Stories (with search) is an iPhone and iPad app that allows you to search through the pages of each text in this vast compilation of love stories. Texts include Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, The Portrait of a Lady, Romeo and Juliet, Lady Susan, The Peal of Lima (A Story of True Love), Northanger Abbey, and Mansfield Park among others, and it is a very well-designed and -executed app.


Best Love Stories (with search)

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