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Mile Pal - Car mileage tracker & log app review: keeping track of the miles you drive



This exciting app has a lot to offer you! Have you ever needed assistance to keep track of your mileage coverage for business, charitable, medical or even personal issues but found paper logs only that are difficult to manage and maintain? Worry no more, for Mile Pal app has come to your rescue. This brilliant app will make that process extremely easy.

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With its incredible IRS tax deduction rates that are 56 cents per mile for 2015, you need to keep track of the miles you drive! With Mile Pal, it has never been easier to make a trip log. This app was developed by Alex Rastorgouev and is compatible with your iPhone, iPod, and iPod touch devices. So try it out and experience its amazing offers.

Mile Pal - Car mileage tracker & log


How it Works

This app track every bit of your drive including distance, time, and notes. It enables your monitor and takes charge of your car’s gas consumption so that you won’t be caught off guards by the empty tank when going to work. The app can quickly view your past drives and conduct a quick calculation of the mileage covered. The app covered the monthly mileage and keep you informed of your car’s maintenance schedule for efficiency and effectiveness.

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This app will provide your statistics with the average distance and time you have covered per drive. It also sets goals like those to track on your desired monthly distance goal. It can help you to set mpg that you want to achieve on a drive.  You can now stay motivated with gorgeous graphs and statistics, thanks to Mile Pal - Car mileage tracker & log App. With its four stunning graphs: Daily distance, Cumulative, Category - bar, and Category - pie, you can get a comprehensive coverage of your millage in different styles that suite you. You can use the table view to complement all of the graphs.

Best Features

The app is extremely easy to use.  Enter your distance and time then choose a category and you are done with the app settings. The app comes with a feature that allows you to enter a note or a reminder for any entry that you can easily forget.

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You can choose any date and log upcoming drives as well. All of your drives are conveniently laid out on one page to improve on their convenience and accessibility.

Mile Pal - Car mileage tracker & log


Pros and Cons


  • Amazing scrolls that allows you to view past entries 
  • Beautifully crafted icons and interface 
  • Intuitive graphics
  • Switches between miles and kilometers 
  • Export your data straight to your email


  • The developer has assisted most people in tracking mileage for expenses and taxes; however, there is a need to also develop a start/stop odometer reading

Final Thoughts

All of your Trips, along with Distance, Time, Speed, and Top Drives are covered on one page; with Mile Pal, accountability has become simpler.

Mile Pal - Car mileage tracker & log

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Cherry is a hard-working writer and an aspiring web designer who can't go a day without using her favorite apps. She's always on the lookout for new apps and enjoys discovering ones that others have overlooked.