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Flappy Faith app review: learn verses to strengthen your faith or prepare for a religious class



Flappy Faith is an iPhone and iPad flappy game that features a Bible flapping its way through pitchforks. When you are speared by the obstacle, you are provided a scripture that you can optionally share with friends. Your score is synced through Game Center.

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Flappy Faith


Flap Your Way Around

Flappy Faith is a flappy game that will have you trying to get your flappy Bible through the pitchfork obstacles. Just like other flappy games, you will find yourself tapping to get through the obstacles, and annoyed at getting stuck. I’m terrible at these games, but that’s fine. If you persist, then your timing will improve and you will get further and further as you go along. Some obstacles are further apart, and some are closer together making it more or less difficult. It’s a relief after several close together obstacles to get a gap that you can more easily fit through!

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Flappy Faith plays just like any of the other flappy games. There are many different options for you to choose from depending on your icon and environment preferences, and Flappy Faith provides the option for you to play with a Bible and pitchfork if you are very religious, new to the faith, or trying to familiarize yourself with Bible verses.

Deepen Your Faith or Practice Your Verses

Flappy Faith will help you deepen your faith through collecting bible verses that you can share with your friends. As you go through, you will get different verses such as Job 13:2 - “What you know, I know also; I am not inferior to you!” Due to the collection nature of the app, you can go back through your collected verses later and reread them for study.

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If you are already a deep believer, studying for your confirmation, or other religious class, then this app will be useful to you as well. Each time you play a round, you will be rewarded with another verse to learn and study. I enjoyed the style of the game because even though it has a lot of faith, I could appreciate the style of reward system. It would be similar to earning a page in a comic book each time you got past a certain level of a videogame.

Flappy Faith


Pros & Cons


  • $0.99
  • Earn verses to strengthen your faith
  • Practice your Bible verses
  • Attune your hand-eye coordination to get between obstacles


  • Only appeals to specific religious following

Final Thoughts

Flappy Faith is an iPhone and iPad game that will have you practicing your Bible verses while also practicing your hand eye coordination. I like that you can collect verses much as you would collect comic book pages for another videogame. It could be used to learn verses, strengthen your faith, or prepare for a religious class such as confirmation. Overall, it is a neat game, but it does pigeon hole to a specific religious demographic.


Flappy Faith

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