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Binaural Energy app review: an app with Motivation Beats to help you stay awake



Binaural Energy - Motivation Beats is an iPhone and iPad app that is biologically engineered to help you wake up, get a boost of energy, and get the energy you need to get through your day. The tracks are based on scientific studies, and have been proven to work.

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Binaural Energy - Motivation Beats


Wake Up and Get Going

Binaural Energy will help you to wake up and get going in the morning. People have long known that some music makes them sleepy, and other music makes them happy, sad, and so on. This app is based on studies that have shown exactly which music, patterns, tones, and so on will help you wake up. There are others to help you focus, fall asleep, and so on if you search binaural on iTunes or App Store.

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This app has three options for tracks: Wake Up Energy, Energy Nap, and Raw Energy. You can select one minute up to 60 minutes to play, and then the timer will count down on screen while you’re getting your energy back. You can start your day with the wake up energy as you get in the shower, or go for your morning run. Next, when you start to feel a lull in your energy level, rather than grabbing a coffee, try the energy nap to restore your wakefulness. Finally, if you’re really hurting for energy and need a nap, but really can’t stop play the raw energy track. This would also be good to help you get through the last leg of your drive if you’re getting drowsy.

Does it Work?

As I mentioned above, people have long known that different kinds of music will give you energy or make you tired. These specific tracks are based on scientific studies to get you ready for the day. I put one on when I was getting drowsy driving, and I was able to finish my drive. That’s a pretty good test to me. I have long drives to make to get to my parents’ homes, and I’m often tired by the middle and have to take a break to wake back up. I still took the break to be safe, but the energy tracks helped me to be more alert afterwards.

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Binaural Energy - Motivation Beats


Pros & Cons


  • Three tracks to help you wake up
  • Wake up for the day, feel refreshed like a nap, or get a much needed extra boost


  • The tracks sometimes sound odd in the loop part and aren’t completely seamless

Final Thoughts

Binaural Energy - Motivation Beats is an iPhone and iPad app that will help you get the much needed energy boost during the day, but also help you to wake up in the morning if you’ve had a rough day or are just not a morning person. It was an interesting app to test, as I often have trouble with my energy level. Overall, though the loop of the tracks isn’t seamless, it was better than when I was trying to fall asleep and the loop would disrupt that process.


Binaural Energy - Motivation Beats

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