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Pulse app review



Price: Free

For: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad with iOS 5.0 or later

Pulse by Alphonso Labs Inc is a news, magazine, blog, and social reader for your iOS device.

Most RSS feeds give you boring headlines, whereas Pulse give you streams that include photos to grab your attention. This app may not be suitable for people who follow tons of feeds, but is amazing for those who are interested in a small number.

You can choose the stories, read them, and share them all from one place. You can read from social networks, blogs, and news as well as YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, Reddit, and Flickr.

With a Pulse account, you can have your sources sync across all your devices if you choose. You can sync your favorite stories to Read Later, Reader, Evernote, or Instapaper.

Once you load the stories to Pulse you can read them anywhere, even if you don’t have Internet. The app is also integrated with Reader, so you can import all of your feeds directly from there into Pulse.

If you choose, you can subscribe to Premium Content where your credit card will be charged once a month through iTunes.

Pulse was updated to Version 3.0.3 on December 11, 2012. The update allows users to access UK content. This version has 444 customer ratings with an average of 4.5 out of five stars.

This is a fantastic app. I like how you can add content from any source and have everything in one place.

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LinkedIn Pulse: The news and insights you need to know


LinkedIn Pulse: The news and insights you need to know

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Rebecca, a former police officer, is an experienced writer and editor. She has used all kinds of different tech and prefers Apple products and apps. Her areas of expertise are in all things Apple, health and fitness, the Paleo lifestyle, and legal topics.