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Sleep Pillow Sounds for iPad app review


Sleep Pillow Sounds

Price: Free

Sleep Pillow Sounds by Clear Sky Apps LTD is an ambient noise app meant to help you relax and sleep.

If you're looking for a way to enhance your sleep and help you reach that deep restful state quicker and easier, ambient noise could be the answer. This app combines beautiful and restful sounds that have been premixed to provide the ultimate sleep.

Ambient noise is shown to help people not only relax but also help get you to the cyclical sleep pattern so you wake up refreshed and rested. This app features 70 naturally recorded sounds that have been premixed to create 300,000 combinations to lull you into sleep. That means you can use a different mix every night or stick with a few favorites.

Other helpful features include the alarm clock that wakes you with a slow fade in, a slow fadeout on a sleep timer, the app can run in the background and it can run while the device is locked, there are beautiful images to go along with the sounds, and you can create a favorite sound list.

The free version gives you all the features but just nine sounds.

Sleep Pillow Sounds was updated on Dec. 15, 2012 and has 1,012 customer ratings with an average rating of four and a half stars out of five.

I not only found the images simply beautiful as they displayed on my iPad but I found it really surprising just how relaxing the ambient sounds proved to be. I like that you can play around and find the mix/combination that is just right for you and then save it to your short list so you can quickly find it each time.

For: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad with iOS 5.0 or later

Sleep Pillow Sounds: rain, ocean, relaxing nature


Sleep Pillow Sounds: rain, ocean, relaxing nature


Sleep Pillow Sounds: rain, ocean, relaxing nature

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