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iHandy Translator Free app review



iHandy Translator Free by iHandy Inc. makes translating words and phrases quick and easy on your mobile device.

If you have a trip coming up where you’ll be in a foreign country with a language not familiar to you, then you want to make sure you’ve got a reliable translator tool you can rely on. This app is designed to quickly and accurately translate words and phrases so you can focus on having fun rather than trying to figure out the language. It's shaping up as the best translation app for beginners. 

iHandy Translator Free


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The company that developed this app is also responsible for such other popular apps as iHandy Flashlight Pro/Free, iHandy Carpenter, iHandy Tip Calculator, iHandy Level, and more.

Some of the features of this app include a very fast and slick user-interface that certainly adds to the overall feel of the app. Go ahead and type in words, sentences, and phrases for accurate results that are instant. There are 52 world languages you can use here, which gives you lots of options.

The app has social features as well letting you copy and paste any translation to text to friends, plus it offers integrated Twitter, Facebook, SMS, and email support. This means you can write translated updates for your social networks.

Another smart feature is the capability to search the history for all your most recent translations.

iHandy Translator Free was updated on Dec. 3, 2012 and currently has 598 customer ratings with an average rating of four and a half out of five stars.

This is one of those useful tools that can literally change your entire experience in a foreign country, making your visit stress-free. Just as promised the translations were instant and I liked I could even post translated updates to my social networks. Download it now and see if it's one of the best translating apps you have ever used. 

For: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad with iOS 4.3 or later

iHandy Translator Free


iHandy Translator Free

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