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Auto Maskulin app review


Auto Maskulin

Price: FREE (subscription required to access content)

Auto Maskulin by OOKBEE (M) Sdn. Bhd. is the official app for Auto Maskulin magazine, providing subscribers with information on the latest and greatest releases in the auto industry.

If you love cars then Auto Maskulin is the magazine for you. This magazine contains tons of info covering a wide range of topics, such as good practices for maintaining your vehicle, events coverage, reviews on new models on the market, as well as helpful hints and tips for buying and selling for the best price.

Subscription to Auto Maskulin can be purchased in either six-monthly or annual formats. Subscription for six months is priced at $5.99 and annual subscription is priced at $7.99.

Subscriptions will automatically renew 24 hours before the end of the respective billing period.

Alternatively, single issues can be purchased for $2.99 on a non-subscription basis.

Auto Maskulin was updated to version 2.83 in early-April of 2013 and has not yet received enough customer ratings to generate an average score.

I can see no reason why Auto Maskulin will not easily become a very popular publication. Everything is presented in high-resolution with top-notch original content and a very obvious passion for what is being written about.

For: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad with iOS 5.0 or later. Optimized for iPhone 5.


Auto Maskulin


Auto Maskulin


Auto Maskulin

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.