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Party Face for iPad app review


Party Face

Price: $1.99

Party Face by Third Bird Party! lets you make funny faces of yourself and all your friends.

Having the urge to give your friends bug eyes? Why not take their picture and use Party Face to give them crazy eyes, maybe a mustache, or anything else you can come up with? Party Face is full of crazy ways to make your friends look goofy.

You can create as many crazy pictures of yourself or your friends or you can practice on one of the included faces. There are dozens of different things that you can change on the pictures including mustaches, glasses, crazy eyes, funny noses, bushy eyebrows, and many others.

All of the images are exported in a square format that allows you to use them for avatars on many popular websites such as Facebook, Twitter, or any other web board that you may frequent. Using the app is very easy and the interface is pretty simple to navigate. Most things are drag and drop and you can resize them with the standard gestures.

Party Face was last updated to Version 1.1 on April 5, 2013 and included the new characters and tattoos. The app has a total of eight customer ratings with an average of four out of five stars.

If you like crazy pictures and custom avatars you will probably find this app to be of great entertainment.

For: iPad with iOS 6.0

Party Face!


Party Face!


Party Face!

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Rick is a longtime freelance writer covering a wide range of topics from sports and travel to health and fitness. Rick has written for many premiere outlets like CBS and LiveStrong. In addition to his exciting role with, Rick can be found at his Travel Blog