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iBOOKLIGHT app review: shine a light on your reading


iBOOKLIGHT by jami becker transforms your mobile device into a book light so you can read no matter where you are.


iBOOKLIGHT by jami becker transforms your mobile device into a book light so you can read no matter where you are. The app was updated on Sept. 21, 2012.



User Experience

This app is incredible quick and easy to use and does a fantastic job of giving you just the right amount of light with which to read.

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 1


The app features a silver-looking frame that illuminates your screen while you're reading. You have the ability to rest it on a pillow, on your stomach, or shoulder, and will shine on your book. What's great is although it does a great job of lighting your book for you it's not so bright as to wake anybody else. It doesn't suddenly shut off, either, until you turn it off. Your only controls are to turn it on or off.



In-App Purchases

There are currently no in-app purchases.

Update Info

The most current version of the app which is 4.0, gives you the ability to override your device's timer and brightness settings. You can turn on the light with one tap and then set your default timer settings.

Customer Ratings and Feedback Comments

There are currently 34 customer ratings with an average rating of three out of five stars.

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Screenshot 2

Personal Comments by Reviewer

I liked that this app kept things simple, clean, and fast. It is strictly about delivering users a bright light to read by, with no fuss and no muss.

If you're looking for a complicated app, go elsewhere.

Pros and Cons


  • Very simple user-interface design
  • Bright light for reading
  • Can be used anywhere


  • No extra features in this app, just a basic light
  • May drain your iPhone battery fairly quickly, especially if you use the brightest setting

For: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad with iOS 5.1 or later


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