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Jet Aviation FBO app review: making flights stress-free



The Jet Aviation FBO app is meant to make traveling easy by allowing you to submit all kinds of forms before arrival and view services and locations straight from your device. This app is packed full of useful features, news, and even alerts.

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Jet Aviation FBO


A User-Friendly Tool

Think of this app as a tool to make flying a lot less stressful. Use it to complete all your pre-arrival forms in advance which save you time and hassle when you arrive. You can check out detailed airport diagrams, location maps, and frequencies.

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This app serves an informational purpose too as it delivers accurate weather updates so you can stay on top of all the current conditions in the locations that matter to you. You can also use it to get current Jet Aviation news and alerts, contact staff (by phone or email), and view the global FBO locations.

If you’re seeing a pattern here then you’re exactly right; this is meant to be an all-service tool that provides you with all the information you need plus features that make flying a more relaxed experience.

When you pull up an FBO location you'll be able to view its weather, a map, email the location, or call it. As well, you can fill out your pre-arrival form, view amenities in the airport, look a picture gallery, and read news and alerts specific to this location. You can, of course, see a map of the airport itself.


Going That Extra Mile

Besides all the features and tools already mentioned you can also use this app to request specific travel needs beyond the aircraft itself. Go ahead and save your profile so that when it’s time to fill out pre-arrival forms it can be done using auto-fill. Again this is a wonderful time and energy saver.

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It should be noted that you’ll need an Internet connection to view the information here. I found some of the information rather slow to load and display but perhaps that was the fault of my own connection.

The user interface also feels very dated and almost a bit confusing the way it has been laid out. It feels busy, which is unfortunate because the app serves a very useful purpose, but I can imagine it may turn some people off with its looks. If you can look past the user interface you will likely be pleasantly surprised with the information and tools you can find here.


Jet Aviation FBO


Pros and Cons


  • Provides pilots with a large selection of useable tools
  • Fill out pre-arrival forms you can also use auto-fill to do this
  • Use it to stay on top of news and alerts
  • View maps, weather details, and more



  • Information can be slow to load
  • You need an Internet connection


Final Words

The Jet Aviation FBO app has plenty of pros going for it, which can make a pilot’s job and travels a whole lot easier. The app itself, however, suffers from a dull and lack-luster user interface that could most certainly use a makeover.


Jet Aviation FBO

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