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AHRQ ePSS app review: developed by the lead federal agency for research on health care quality, costs, outcomes, and patient safety-2020



This iPhone and iPad healthcare app has been designed and developed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to provide primary care clinicians with a resource for screening, counseling, and preventive medication services for their patients.

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Given that this healthcare research app has largely been developed as a text resource, the layout is wonderfully simple, and navigating the content is a real cinch. This is definitely a care app to keep handy if you are a primary care provider and frequently reference the included texts.

Check out our AHRQ EPSS app review for more details on this offering and take a few moments to look over our list of cool apps.



Based On Current USPSTF Recommendations

The easiest way for me to sum up the purpose of AHRQ ePSS is to include an excerpt from the iTunes description page, which reads as follows:

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“The Electronic Preventive Services Selector (ePSS) is an application designed and developed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the Nation's lead Federal agency for research on health care quality, costs, outcomes and patient safety. 

The ePSS application was developed to assist primary care clinicians identify the screening, counseling, and preventive medication services that are appropriate for their patients.”

All of the information within this app is based on the current recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force or USPSTF.

Based On Current USPSTF Recommendations image

No Internet Connection Required

Rather than having to thumb through a lofty tome, this app features a powerful search engine, with all of the content neatly indexed and categorized based on various criteria such as age, sex, behavioral risk factors, and other patient characteristics.

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You’ll also be pleased to know that all of the content is stored locally, meaning that you can access all of it without the need for an Internet connection. You can also subscribe via email to receive notifications when updates become available.

This care app allows a quick access to Clinical Summary, risk factors, and frequency of service. The new update of the healthcare research app has updated keyword search.

No Internet Connection Required image



Pros and Cons


  • Content is based on the current recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
  • Content is indexed and categorized to make for easy browsing
  • Content is stored locally, removing the need for Internet connectivity
  • Subscribe via email to receive notifications when updates become available


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

Pros and Cons image

Final Words

AHRQ ePSS is obviously a very specialized iPhone and iPad app that is designed to cater for a very specific niche.

Much of the content is lost on me; however, I can definitely say with a high degree of certainty that those of you to whom this kind of material is relevant will find it to be a truly invaluable resource for your day-to-day caring of patients.

This is a great app with a vast wealth of content and a powerful search facility, and it definitely receives a very strong recommendation from me.


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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.