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MyLaddr app review: transform social media



Sure you're used to using social media as a way of communicating with friends, family, and the world, but what if you could transform your social life into a game? That's exactly the case with the MyLaddr app, which can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone. This is a fun game that takes a look at all the social activities of your friends and contacts to see just how you stack up next to them in a variety of different ways.

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MyLaddr - Score Your Social Life!


A Social Game

This is truly a social game where you can check out information such as what social activities occupy the largest portion of your time, and who is the most social out of all your friends and family. You'll need a Facebook account to use this app as you log in using your Facebook information. From here you can then add your friends as co-players. Each time you do something social as in an event you log it by saying what it was and who was with you. A cool way to prove that you attended this event is to upload a photo along with your log.

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The MyLaddr app has recently been updated with some bug fixes leading to a smoother customer experience. The app requires iOS 7.0 or later to use and doesn't currently have a customer rating. Comments are positive so far, users like that this is a fun play on socializing.


Attend events and earn points
Attend events and earn points

The User Experience

So now that we know what you need to do in order to play the game, the question is what are you playing for? Each time you attend a social event you'll be given points that will be based on the details from the event. The app keeps a running point total so you can then see where you stand next to your friends. You can even earn achievements if you take part in one particular activity on a regular basis. Keep in mind your friends will need to "approve the event" before the points will show up in your point tally. This is a way to ensure that people are being honest about what they have attended.

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Navigating the app is simple and smooth just make use of the tool bar along the bottom of the screen. The user interface is fun and modern and really works well with the entire goal of the game.


Include a photo to prove you attended the event
Include a photo to prove you attended the event

MyLaddr - Score Your Social Life!


Pros and Cons


  • A unique take on socializing
  • Earn points every time you get out and attend a social event
  • Post photos of the event to prove you were there
  • Earn achievements for events you attend regularly
  • A modern user interface


  • You will need a Facebook account to use this app
  • Would like to see more features added to this app to really push it over the edge


View friends' achievements
View friends' achievements

Final Words

The MyLaddr app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone and is an interactive “game” of sorts that rewards you for being social and having a great time.


MyLaddr - Score Your Social Life!

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