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URL Melter app review: no need for long web addresses



There are plenty of websites that you can probably name off the top of your head but chances are they are the ones with short web addresses. The URL Melter app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone provides users with a way to shorten web addresses that are long. The app couldn't be easier to use; all you need to do is enter in the rather long web address and the app will then shorten it to a URL that is easy to remember so you can share it with others.

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URL Melter - URL Shortener + Analytics


A Time-Saving Productivity Tool

The URL Melter app can act as a time-saving productivity tool by giving you a way to take those long web addresses and instantly shorten them. There's no more having to remember these long addressed or spend time typing them in when sometimes you're just in a hurry. What's great is that the URL Melter has an extension which makes it possible to then access the app from any location. This means you can shorten links within Facebook, Safari, and other apps. All you have to do is tap on the "Shorten Link" button to get the shorter URL form.

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The app has just gone through a few overall improvements, some small bug fixes, it now supports additional language, and the design of the app is all new. This app requires iOS 8.0 or later and is enjoying an almost perfect customer rating of 4.5 out of five stars.

Type in the address and it will be shortened instantly
Type in the address and it will be shortened instantly

Using the App

While there isn’t a large selection of tools the URL Melter app manages to be quite effective and helpful. Because it is meant to perform a very basic task you won't find a cluttered and busy user interface. You can check your Melted links any time you want by looking through the history. Any of the links in your history can be accessed by tapping on them. Now let's say you want to share these shortened links, you can do just that by email, Twitter, or Facebook. If you'd rather you can always copy and paste the URL link wherever you want.

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While the user interface may not blow you away with sleek and modern tools it's certainly simple and fast to navigate. It's the type of app you may not feel you have a lot of use for until you start using it and then you can't be without.

View a list of your Melted links
View a list of your Melted links

URL Melter - URL Shortener + Analytics


Pros and Cons


  • The user interface is clean and very user-friendly
  • Enter in the web address and then tap on the shorten link key to instantly get a smaller link
  • Share links by email, Twitter, Facebook, or copy and paste
  • View your history of Melted links


  • There is nothing negative to say

View the site
View the site

Final Words

The URL Melter app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone provides customers with a handy tool that is not only unique but very useful. Users will have no issues moving through this simple offering.

URL Melter - URL Shortener + Analytics

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