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SkySafari 4 Plus app review: leave the Earth behind and fly into orbit around celestial objects within our solar system and beyond



The SkySafari 4 Plus app is no longer in iTunes but you can find an alternative astronomy app on our iPhone list. You can also find all the best iPhone apps on our applists. We have also reviewed these stargazing apps or check out our iPhone app reviews:-

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If you are an amateur astronomer with a telescope in your backyard, you can use SkySafari 4 Plus to turn your iPhone or iPad into a 21st century telescope controller, or your very own virtual spaceship that can take you into the far recesses of space, where no one has gone before.

This award-winning app has been featured in MacWorld's Best Of show in 2010 and as Sky & Telescope's Hot Product 2012. Such accolades cannot be boasted by many apps and SkySafari 4 Plus certainly is one of the most incredible astronomy apps available to us, with telescope control, virtual space flights, and a vast database of information on the planets, stars, and several other objects that light up the night sky from our humble perspectives.

As the higher pricing suggests, this app is for serious astronomers who wish to expand their astronomical knowledge. Let's take a look at its tools and features.

SkySafari 4 Plus: Map the Universe! Discover Sun, Moon, Mars, Stars, Planets, and Satellites with your telescope and NASA space missions!


Astronomical Database

Completely rebuilt for iOS 7, SkySafari 4 Plus boasts a unique and splendorous user interface which certainly looks advanced enough to be a spaceflight deck or a state-of-the-art telescope controller.

The database is astronomical in every sense of the word, with more than 2.5 million stars, 31,000 deep sky objects, major planets and moons of the Solar System, and more than 4,000 asteroids, comets, and satellites that can be updated.

There are more than 1500 encyclopedic descriptions of stars, planets, and constellations and more than 800 authentic photographs from the space missions conducted by NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope, and other leading astro-photographers.

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Astronomical Database image

Fly Me To The Moon

Most astronomy apps allow you to view the stars you're looking at in the night sky through the camera lens. This app takes this concept and expounds on it by allowing you to simulate the sky from anywhere in the Solar System and any time in the past and future 10,000 years.

Don't care for stills of the sky from space? Try the Orbit button, which will give you a simulation of flying into the orbits of Earth and other objects in our Solar System. You will also be able to see eclipses, occultations, and transits in the sky.

A wireless or wired control for Celestron, Meade, Orion, Skywatcher, and several other computerized telescopes can be implemented through SkySafari 4. It has so many fantastic features and settings to play around with, that it has become one of the most popular apps for astronomers looking for telescope control.

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Fly Me To The Moon image

SkySafari 4 Plus: Map the Universe! Discover Sun, Moon, Mars, Stars, Planets, and Satellites with your telescope and NASA space missions!


Pros & Cons


  • Learn from a vast database of over 2.5 million stars, 31,000 deep space objects, and much more
  • Enjoy one of the best user interfaces completely redesigned for iOS 7
  • View the sky from anywhere in the solar system
  • Control your computerized telescope through wired or wireless connection to this app


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

Pros & Cons image

Final Words

Awareness of the universe in which we live and the vastness of space can always provide us some perspective; using SkySafari 4 Plus was an absolute pleasure and is sure to turn your iPhone or iPad into an amazing tool through which you can explore the world. This app is a must-have for those interested in astronomy in any capacity.

SkySafari 4 Plus: Map the Universe! Discover Sun, Moon, Mars, Stars, Planets, and Satellites with your telescope and NASA space missions!

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Neha Sinha

Neha has been writing and editing since 2010 and has been reviewing iOS apps since early 2014. She has lived in four different countries and loves having the world at her fingertips thanks to these awesome apps.