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Founderfox app review: an app where you can pitch your business startup idea



Founderfox by Kori Handy is an innovative new app designed to provide a forum for anyone with a business startup idea a place for pitching their ideas. Some of the best businesses and product ideas have come from the creativity of people with limited resources to get them started – often starting out in their basement or garage. This is how people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg got their start. Often people with great ideas just don’t know how to get started, or they’re having a tough time actually getting people to listen. Founderfox provides you with a forum of like-minded individuals that are willing to lend you an ear. This is a free app and it’s compatible with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. But is this one of the best business apps for the iOS? Let's examine it further. 

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Founderfox - Founders pitch their startup with a video


Pitch Your Business or Product Idea

If you don’t want to become a contestant on a reality TV show in order to pitch your next great idea, you have an alternative in Founderfox. This is sort of a social media outlet for inventors and business entrepreneurs – it’s a pretty unique concept that doesn’t have very many competitors. There are some crowd funding apps, but that isn’t what this app is about. Founderfox is about providing you a forum where you can share your great ideas with others – if it’s a good idea they will help you share your idea with the world.

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There is no doubt that Founderfox is a great idea for an app, but it has a couple of serious flaws that need to be addressed. There are no instructions or introduction of any kind within this app – for a new app this is a puzzling oversight. What’s even more frustrating is the way the app handles the video pitches uploaded by its users – when you scroll past one on the feed it automatically starts playing. It should be up to the user which videos they wish to use and which ones they don’t. This app will require 46.6 MB of available space on your iOS device.

Pitch Your Business or Product Idea image

The Essentials

The main interface of Founderfox looks like the news feed you’d find in many social media apps. You can scroll through each post simply by swiping up on the feed. Each post includes a video message left by someone pitching an idea. There are no fees to get involved all you need is your own idea to pitch. Each post has four different tools you can use to help share and express your opinion of the idea or business being pitched. You have the option of sharing it on Twitter, bookmarking it to come back to later, emailing the post to share with others, or tapping on the love icon to express your love of the idea to other Founderfox users.

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Adding your own pitch is pretty simple, you just tap on the submit button in the top right corner to get started. The app will then ask for permission to access your camera and microphone in order to create your video, and then all you have to do is explain your idea in a short video and submit it to the feed to begin receiving feedback. It won’t take long for you to find out what others think about your idea and this will give you a good idea of whether or not it’s worth moving forward with. It’s a simple process which makes it easy for anyone to pitch an idea.

The Essentials image

Founderfox - Founders pitch their startup with a video


Pros and Cons


  • Contains familiar social media elements
  • Sharing video pitches is simple
  • You can share ideas through Twitter and email


  • No instructions
  • Video pitches start automatically by default

Pros and Cons image

Final Words

If you think you’ve got a great idea for a new business or product then you’ll definitely want to give Founderfox a try. This is an innovative new app designed to give anyone with a good idea a place to get their pitch across and gain some valuable feedback and support. There is some room for improvement with this one, but it has great potential to become one of the top business apps out there. 

Founderfox - Founders pitch their startup with a video

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Cherry is a hard-working writer and an aspiring web designer who can't go a day without using her favorite apps. She's always on the lookout for new apps and enjoys discovering ones that others have overlooked.