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Antivirus for Android… is it necessary?

10 May 2017 Developer News
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You probably know just how important it is to keep your work on your computer protected from viruses and malware, but did you know that it’s equally important to protect your smartphone?


Keeping your phone’s operating system up to date is an important step to take in protecting yourself from hackers and thieves, but they’re experts at working their way into systems even when all updates are in place. iPhones get high marks for virus resistance, but what about Android? These operating systems get mixed reviews when it comes to security, meaning that it’s a very good idea to find and use a solid antivirus app.


Internet security experts have differing opinions but it’s important to keep in mind that hackers and thieves are experts too – they’re excellent at staying a step ahead of updates so that they can keep robbing smartphone, tablet, and computer users of information and money, often through the use of Android malware. Unfortunately, the Google Play Store is among the largest sources of malware and scams, as it’s the delivery point for everything from entertainment to information apps. Even simple things like flashlight and calculator apps can rob you of your privacy! Viruses can also infect your device via emails, WhatsApp, MMS, phishing scams, clicking rogue download links, and APKs you’ve installed manually. 44.6% of viruses found on Android come from RiskTool while 8% are Trojan related.



These and other malicious programs often pose as sites or apps that look similar to the ones you already use and trick you into entering your password or credit details. This leaves you open to theft and fraud. If you unknowingly download a rip-off app, it may offer an easy route in for hackers. In some cases, it will send text messages to premium numbers, ramping up your bill and allowing thieves to help themselves to your hard-earned cash. It’s not easy to tell when your phone is under attack; in fact, many victims are completely unaware until they receive a monstrous credit card or phone bill. By the time that happens, the damage has been done and there’s not much to do but pay the bill and chalk it up as a lesson learned.


Apart from installing an Android antivirus app and running regular software scans, there’s not much else you’re able to do to protect you phone other than being vigilant in the first place. An antivirus app is a reliable first line of defense in spotting threats to your phone, and there a ton of respectable free apps available on the Google Play Store. They work in the same they would for a computer, scanning your files and drawing your attention to malware and other malicious programming that may have worked its way into your device.


As antivirus apps are typically useful in spotting problems and sometimes are not able to remove them, you should be sure to use your phone or tablet warily. E.g., don’t install any suspect apps or any unverified APKs from outside of Google Play, don’t click any random links (including ones from contacts inside Facebook Messenger) and do not open links from unfamiliar email addresses. Look carefully at email addresses that appear familiar to ensure that they’re actually from the correct sender before opening any links, too! Sometimes hackers and thieves change just a single character or two to make it look like an email with a bad link is from someone who is on your contacts list.


Some people don’t install antivirus apps because they’re worried about lower battery life, reduced storage space, slower speed, and notifications. But these are very minor annoyances compared with the issues that you might find yourself facing if you don’t use antivirus software for Android. The risks are real, and although careful use can help prevent you from encountering security threats, it’s better to be safe than sorry. 

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