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Best iOS Apps that Boost Productivity

20 Mar 2019 Developer News
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Over the years, the app market has evolved in a way that helps users to manage and make their lives more efficient. From meal planning apps, and finance management apps to calorie counting apps and health tracking apps, living better is becoming the easiest it has ever been. But the main focus of personal and work life falls on productivity. The productivity management app market has grown incredibly over the past few years, people, managers and employees are now able to elaborately plan their time and schedule. Below is a list of some of the best iOS apps currently available, that focus on streamlining activity and offering increased productivity to a user.


#1. OmniFocus

OmniFocus may be one of the most robust time management and productivity apps currently in the iTunes Store. While, realistically speaking, the perfect task manager doesn’t exist, this may come close to perfection. The OmniFocus3 was recently released and it is now packed with more useful features and shows higher user-friendliness levels than ever before. OmniFocus 3 offers features that help users personalise the app to the maximum. The app shows some perks that will come in handy when users try to achieve higher productivity levels in both their personal lives and workplace capabilities.


  • Flexibility – With a supple task management system, the app was developed in such a fashion to be flexible for a wide range of users.
  • Tags – the old-fashioned contexts are replaced in the OmniFocus 3 app by tags, a modern version with less fundamental function than contexts. Each task can be assigned a series of tags and manual sorting is also available when the user needs more control. An automatic sorting feature is available for tags as well.
  • Customizable Inspector – in the app’s inspector section, the user can view and change details about each task or project. The app comprises three separate panels for each task: Info, Note, Attachments, with a fully-customizable “Info” section. .


2. Any.Do

Any.Do is a location-based reminder app that offers a series of other interesting features. However, the premium features are only restricted to the paid Pro version. Users can enjoy a web and Chrome version of the app, a web application development team working tirelessly to deliver the same perks and features for web users. This app encourages the user to make a habit of reviewing their daily tasks, activities and goals.

Pro users will enjoy a series of additional features. A Pro account costs $5 per month and pro users can easily attach notes to each of their tasks, set reminders, set recurring tasks and enable location-based reminders.

The app’s design is also customizable for Pro users, allowing easy selection between a series of colours.


#3. ToDoist

ToDoist is an app that helps users keep track of everything, from errands to important personal and work-related projects. The app is a flexible, yet complex task management tool, being the perfect solution for both light and heavy users. It can help users keep better track of due dates, priorities etc., but it unfortunately lacks some essential features:

  • Reminders – the app is not offering location or time-based reminders, for many users, this being a huge disadvantage;
  • Comments – the app doesn’t allow adding notes and comments per task or goal;
  • Labels – the app doesn’t allow the use of advanced and flexible labels for tasks;
  • Filters – once again, it lacks advanced filters and sorting functions. 


#4. Clear – Tasks, Reminders & To-Do Lists

Anybody can make their life easier today with the Clear app. A fun and colourful app, with plenty of integrated to-do lists, this is a perfect productivity tool for a personal use. The app allows its users to set simple daily tasks, from going to the gym to buying groceries or anniversary presents. Depending on their urgency, each task is growing or decreasing in colour intensity, from bright red for urgent tasks, to light yellow for less urgent ones. The app also allows the creation of multiple lists, for those of us in a constant need of more tidiness in our lives.


#5. DUE

The Due app allows users to set reminders for virtually any tasks and projects. The app’s design is also a simple and elegant one, with a user-friendly interface. The Due app is helping people declutter their minds from mundane tasks, allowing them to accomplish the tasks, without being constantly worried about forgetting something. The app allows fast due dates set, and it features so many reminders and notifications, you simply can’t forget about getting the tasks on your list done.


#6. Checkmark 2

While other apps completely lack location-based reminders, Checkmark 2 is based entirely on those. Users can select a location and set a series of tasks for it. For instance, picking groceries from a certain shop or paying their bills. For forgetful people who constantly miss getting things done in different locations, this app is a powerful addition to their productive habits.


#7. Priorities

The Priorities app has a simple and elegant design, being a great replacement of the otherwise pricey OmniFocus app. This particular one allows the user to share different tasks with others, being a considerable addition for families and larger groups of friends.


#8. Productive

The Productive app features a sleek and elegant interface. The app allows easy habit planning and scheduling, letting the user set reminders for daily or hourly habits. Many see this app as a habit enforcer. For instance, users who constantly forget to drink the recommended amount of water can easily manage this by setting hourly reminders.


#9. Streaks

The Streaks App works on the “don’t break the habit” method and uses this philosophy to push the user to track and check how much they evolve at achieving their goals. The app can be used to enforce better finance management habits, better eating habits or even to help users keep up with their physician appointments.


#10. FlowTasks

This particular app is a collaborative tool for better task management capabilities. User-ready and functional, the app can be used individually or by teams who want to achieve higher productivity levels in their tasks and projects.

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