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5 Mobile Marketing Tips That You Should Consider

26 Nov 2020 Developer News
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People spend a lot of their time on their smartphones. This can be for both recreational and professional purposes. Nowadays, more internet searches are made on a mobile device than a desktop computer. This means that your customers are more likely to find your business using their cell phones compared to a desktop search. So, it would make sense to design your marketing strategy to cater to a mobile audience. A few simple changes can get your business far. If you feel like your mobile marketing strategy needs improving, then here are 5 mobile marketing tips that you should consider.

Focus on Local Marketing

When it comes to targeting marketing campaigns, many people focus on the bigger picture. Although this can increase brand awareness and your customer base, you should make an effort to focus on local marketing. Many mobile searches will look for businesses that are ‘near me.’ Incorporating mobile strategies that will get your business more location-related traffic is highly recommended.

Send Mobile-Friendly Emails

To help increase the number of responses to emails, you should dedicate some time to making them mobile friendly. Over half of all emails will be opened on a smartphone, so making this change could mean your marketing campaign is very successful. When writing your emails, you should use short subject lines and pay attention to your preheader text. You should also make them short and simple.

Declare Promotions Via Text

Emails are a fantastic way to keep customers and clients up to date with your goods and services, but it is common for them to go unnoticed at times. However, text messages usually get opened. Offering special offers and deals via text can be extremely effective and improve your level of response. You can do so via a mobile text marketing software. Tatango software platform is a mass mobile text message marketing software that requires no coding.

Optimize for Voice Search

Some smartphone owners would rather use voice search compared to typing in a query. A voice search is different to a text search, because it takes the form of an entire question, rather than sentence fragments and isolated key words. This is because people talk to their phone in the same way they would talk to a person, so optimizing your site for voice search will navigate people to your business.

Improve Your Site Experience

If you have a slow and confusing website, then this could deter visitors. Checking the speed of your website on mobile devices is simple and can be done using Think with Google tools. You should also dedicate some time to improve the appearance of your site, in order to make it more mobile friendly. This includes making the text large enough, as well as improving how easy it is to find content and the navigation menus.

To summarize, you will come across some challenges in order to be successful at mobile marketing. It can be harder than traditional marketing methods, but when you are aware of ways to improve your reach, your strategy will be in good shape and you will grow your audience in return.

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