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Cashiers’ confusion over Apple Pay

23 Oct 2014 News
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Cashiers’ confusion over Apple Pay

Apple Pay is really easy to use and there is almost no reason to actually write about it; however, it appears some cashiers all across the United States are really having a problem understanding it. It works like this: you stroll up to the counter and the person totals up your purchases on their cash register terminal. If you want to pay with Apple Pay, you will use the payment terminal where you usually swipe your debit or credit card. If it’s set up for Apple Pay it will have to have a little symbol on it, one that looks like a sideways WiFi symbol. Instead of swiping or tapping your card on the terminal, you hold your iPhone 6 or 6 Plus near it, and you’ll see the Apple Pay card pop up on your screen. Put your thumb (or whatever finger you used for the Touch ID) on the Touch ID button, and c’est voila! The transaction is done. It takes about two seconds. So why are cashiers so perplexed about this?

The main issue is that, although employees probably got memos discussing that Apple Pay would come into effect, there probably wasn’t any training done, because it doesn’t require any training beyond what they already had. But when you pay with your phone, apparently some clerks think you’re just holding your phone and when they see the transaction has gone through with nary a credit card in sight, they are confused.


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Rebecca, a former police officer, is an experienced writer and editor. She has used all kinds of different tech and prefers Apple products and apps. Her areas of expertise are in all things Apple, health and fitness, the Paleo lifestyle, and legal topics.