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Learn to Read Body Language (Lite) app review: know what people are really saying



People's words are one thing but what is their body language telling you? Well now you don't have to be an expert to figure it out because instead you can download the Learn to Read Body Language (Lite) app and figure it out for yourself. Thanks to this app you will be able to read 50 different signs that people use just with the way they position their body.

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Learn to Read Body Language (Lite)


Learn What They Mean

How many times have you wished you could know what someone really meant or what they are thinking? Of course there is no way to see or hear their thoughts but you can certainly learn to read their body language and get a better look at the picture. While it may sound like something that is hard to understand and learn surprisingly it's not, especially if it is presented in a user-friendly manner.

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This app provides you with 50 slides that you can study and master so that you can start to learn how to read what people are thinking. Not only that but it also gives you more insight in general to people. Even if there’s nothing extra you are trying to understand just learning about what a person is thinking can help in the way approach them.


Where it Goes Wrong

While this app sounds great and informational in theory unfortunately there is just no follow through. From a rather bland and basic user interface to slides that leave you more confused than enlightened it ends up as a big disappointment. Customer reviews reflect much the same as people download the app expecting one thing and finding they have learned nothing from it.

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I will say that using the app is very simple. Launch it and then begin the slides. I thought the slides would be images of real people but instead they are drawings which just don't have the same impact as an actual picture. Flip the image to reveal the written description which in most cases leaves me thoroughly confused. I thought the point of the app was to make it easier to read people not harder.

It’s just unfortunate because the idea and premise here is really fun and interesting and there is the opportunity to make it great it just needs a total redesign and the explanations need to be much more reader-friendly in terms that are easier to understand.


Learn to Read Body Language (Lite)


Pros and Cons


  • Flip through the slides easily
  • There are 50 slides that show different body language positions
  • Flip the slides to reveal the explanation of the position
  • There is the ability to mark slides as favorites



  • The slides are just drawings
  • The explanations are written in a very confusing manner
  • The user interface is bland and boring


Final Words

The Learn to Read Body Language app is a great idea, I mean how great is it to think you can better read a person, but unfortunately it fails to deliver.


Learn to Read Body Language (Lite)

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