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Birthday Countdown app review: get excited for birthdays-2020



Birthdays are a big deal and it's only natural you want to make a big deal about them. Of course one of the ways you can ensure you celebrate the birthdays of friends and family members is by remembering those dates! This is where the Birthday Countdown app comes in very handy.

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Use this countdown until my birthday app on your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad and you will never again forget a birthday. There are plenty of customization features to make this until my birthday app work for you.

If you have ever asked how many days until my birthday or how many days until a friend's birthday, then download this app today. Check out our event apps list for more options.

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Don't Ever Forget

Are you tired of being that person who forgets the birthdays of others? If so then this app is custom-designed for you. The app is very easy to use; you can just import all your contacts and Facebook friends into the app along with their pictures and birthday information. There is no need to manually input all the information, which means this app is simple from the get go.

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When it comes to the actual countdown you can choose how you want to count down, meaning do you want to see it in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years? A really fun one is viewing it in heartbeats, now that is pretty specific!

It should be noted that the free version offers limited features. If you choose to upgrade to the Premium package for $1.99 you will be able to have multiple countdowns happening at one time, enjoy slideshow mode of your photos, and use the badge countdown which will show you the days left until the birthday arrives without actually having to launch the app.


Using the App

I am embarrassed to admit but I am definitely one of those people who has a very hard time remembering birthdays. I also find that even though I might write them down that doesn't mean I will remember to look! This is why this kind of app is perfect. Once the information has been imported you can send a reminder so that it's not possible to forget the birthday.

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Additional features you can use with this app include being able to use any name you want for the upcoming birthday person; maybe you want to give him or her a nickname. Add photos from Instagram, your library, or your Facebook album.

Move your countdown display on the screen and place it where you want, use the app in landscape or portrait mode, and share your countdown on Twitter, Facebook, email, and Instagram , set a time to be reminded of your loved ones' birthdays or about how many days until my birthday, attach a meaningful song to each Birthday Countdown.

Also birthday countdown app has its own built-in filters for background photos. You can sort photos in the order you like and flip through them while counting down.

Using the App image

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Pros and Cons


  • User-friendly countdown app
  • Plenty of customizable features
  • The ability to choose your countdown units
  • Share countdowns on social media and email
  • Import names, birthdays, and pictures from Facebook and your contacts


  • You have limited features available to you in the free version

Pros and Cons image

Final Thoughts

The Birthday Countdown app will transform your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch into your own personal assistant, reminding you of what’s coming up. There is no need to feel bad about forgetting birthdays of loved ones ever again.

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