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iTrackMyTime app review: get yourself organized



Do you wish you could be more productive? Well you probably may actually have to do with time management. If you could better control your time you may find yourself pleasantly surprised at just how productive you are. The iTrackMyTime app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone as a way to ensure that all the important tasks in your life get done and on time. You can set tasks, prioritize them and your time, and really become that productive, well-managed person you didn’t think was possible.

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No Lost Time

How many times have you looked at the clock or calendar and thought to yourself "where has time gone"? Right after that you start to feel guilty about being "unproductive" and letting things slip by. This app is a tool to help you schedule, manage, and prioritize your life basically so now instead of looking at lost time you'll be wondering how you managed to get so much accomplished. As you use this app to prioritize your tasks sure you will be productive but it will also train you on looking at your time different and teach you how to better manage your time in general.

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This app hasn't been updated in quite some time with its last update adding in a 24-hour mode and iOS 5 support. iTrackMyTime has four out of five stars from users who are generally satisfied and pleased with the offering. One thing users have commented on is the desire to see more features and tools added to help enhance the experience.


A sleek and modern approach
A sleek and modern approach

A Simple Solution

The developer describes the app as a simple solution, which I think is a wonderful way to explain it. The user interface is streamlined, well-organized, and beautiful, much like how you plan to make your own schedule in life. Because there aren’t handfuls of tools it’s easy to navigate and use the app and before you know it you’ll be more organized and productive. There is no learning curve needed to use this one, just input your tasks and start seeing the benefits.

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There are plenty of apps that are dedicated to keeping you on track but many times they are so busy and confusing that you end up spending all kinds of time just inputting your information. This isn’t the case at all with the iTrackMyTime app. The screen is easy to read and input is very quick and easy.


The app is surprisingly simple to use
The app is surprisingly simple to use



Pros and Cons


  • A simple and streamlined offering
  • Input your tasks and prioritize them
  • Start to become more productive as you use the app
  • Learn how to better schedule your time and tasks



  • For some this approach is too simple
  • There aren’t many added tools and features which is both a pro and a con


A detailed report of your time
A detailed report of your time

Final Words

The iTrackMyTime app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone as a way to prioritize your tasks and manage your schedule. This is a simple and well-laid out offering that is user-friendly.



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