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Skignz app review: an app that allows you to add virtual signs in an alternative reality 2021



I am a big fan of alternative reality apps. These AR apps show us what the future will be like in a few years when all of us are using wearable smart technology such as Google Glass. Alternative reality basically uses the camera of your device and places digital and virtual objects on the picture through the use of apps.

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At the moment this iPhone AR app is mainly used for commercial purposes, but in the future this could be our way of life. Developer Gary Baker might think he’s on to something and I have to agree with him, even though with the release of Skignz (pronounced Skynz) he might be running ahead of technology a bit.

This good AR app for iPhone is also designed for the iPad. Check out our Skignz app review for more details on this app.

skignz - geolocated augmented reality viewer


What does the app have to offer?

The functionality of this app is very basic, but serves a fantastic purpose. It allows you to see all different Skignz through the use of your device’s camera. These are all public Skignz placed by registered users. Skignz are basically an contamination of the two words sky and signs.

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They are digital signs in the sky. You can only see them via the app, so the success of these Skignz depend on the success of the app.

It can be really cool to place a ton of these signs all over the world, but if nobody reads them it will be a bit useless. You can register yourself as well to place these Skignz, which could be quite fun!

What does the app have to offer? image

How Useful is this App?

Personally, I believe there is a bright future for this app, and I wish I came up with it. The problem at the moment is that people will not constantly have their device out and this app on.

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This technology would be perfect if coupled to the operating system of Google Glass, so it will be always on. This way you will be able to place signs, while also be able to read message left by friend or friendly people.

The only downside will be when companies find out and will use it for advertising. Then you will wish you can switch it off.

skignz - geolocated augmented reality viewer


Pros and Cons


  • A great idea with tons of potential
  • Alternative reality is the future


  • Register to place Skygnz
  • Far ahead of its time


I really hope the developer of this app is using the release on iOS as a test case for how this app will work in the future.

I really like the idea of this app and it has a huge amount of potential, though I’m not sure how this will be implemented on iOS. Google Glass seems to be made for this app and I can’t wait to see if this app will appear soon. The app is designed for both iPad and iPhone and is less than 1 MB.

skignz - geolocated augmented reality viewer

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Wout has worked in the video games industry for over 10 years and is an avid traveler. His iPad is his most trusted friend and he's passionate about keep you up to date on the latest apps and games.