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Offline-Map app review: don't leave home without it



If you have plans to travel abroad then it is extremely helpful to have a map that is accurate, current, and easy to use. The Offline-Map app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone acts as an "overseas travel companion map" that finds your current location using your GPS and gives you the ability to view a map without using data or roaming. Because no one wants to come home to a massive mobile carrier bill this is a great little tool to have and use on your travels.

The best destination map apps for the iPad

Offline-Map ( Overseas travel companion map )


Your Go-To Travel Companion

Where this app comes in really handy is not just for overseas travelers but for those planning to visit places they have never traveled to before. Not only will you be able to use the maps to get you around with ease but you can also use it as your tour guide. You can pin all the places you wish to visit (attractions), eat, your hotel, and other items so then you can easily move from one place to the next. There is no need to get lost and waste valuable site-seeing and enjoyment time while you’re away. Even without your device in data and roaming mode the app is able to find your location using GPS and identify where you are. The app gives you the ability to save up to 20 regional maps to view offline.

The best destination map apps for the iPhone

This app requires iOS 7.0 or later to use and in its latest update there were a number of enhancements made.


Makes navigation a breeze
Makes navigation a breeze

Additional Features

There are a number of additional app features all of which enhance the user experience. For instance you will be able to view your real-time distance to a particular pin you have placed. This is great as you try to navigate your way through the city/town. You can attach photo notes and Internet pages to a pin, and you can use up to 50 pins on a map. Again this information is available offline (the pins and the Internet pages). Because you don't need an Internet signal you can use this app as you travel to more remote areas, hike, ski, and other activities where you may not typically receive a signal.

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I find the user interface to be quite simple and the maps are all very easy to read. I love that you can view distance to a pin in real-time making it possible to find your way around that much easier. At times the app can start feeling a bit busy and cluttered but that is always a problem with maps.


Set pins
Set pins

Offline-Map ( Overseas travel companion map )


Pros and Cons


  • Works in offline mode so you don’t incur roaming and data charges
  • View your GPS location on the map
  • Store up to 20 regional maps to view
  • Mark up to 50 points of interest on a map


  • The screen can feel a bit cluttered and busy


Offline-Map screenshot
Offline-Map screenshot

Final Words

The Offline-Map app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone offers users a way to navigate while overseas without having to spend a fortune in data and roaming charges.


Offline-Map ( Overseas travel companion map )

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