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BrainHack 2.0 app review: hack your brain



With terms like ‘lifehacking’ becoming so popular in recent years, BrainHack 2.0 for iPhone and iPad really couldn’t have come at a better time, providing the tools you need to induce 11 different states of mind so you can ‘hack’ your brain and get more from your life.

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I think that this is an absolutely brilliant idea for an app, and although I have yet to try out all 11 tracks thoroughly, I can definitely vouch for the relaxing and ‘pepping up’ effects of the ones I have checked out so far.

The interface design is very simple and everything seems to run very smoothly, so I would definitely recommend BrainHack 2.0 to any of you who are really trying to up your game and achieve more in your day-to-day life.

BrainHack 2.0


Hack Your Brain; Hack Your Life!

What we have here is a very well-conceived and even more intelligently executed app for iPhone and iPad that you can use to induce 11 different states of mind by using binaural tones and ambient sound effects.

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If you’re looking to increase your productivity from one day to the next then be sure to check out the tracks Alertness, Brain Power, Super Learning, and High Focus, to name but a few.


BrainHack 2.0 hack your brain!
BrainHack 2.0 hack your brain!

Track Lengths Are Clearly Displayed

BrainHack 2.0 is also very well-suited to those of you who are looking for a way to wind down and relax at the end of a long and stressful day. If this sounds like you then be sure to listen to the Meditate, Relax, and Lucid Dreams tracks; the latter is great for getting yourself into a deep sleep.

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I’m also pleased to see that the developer has also included the session duration in the titles of each track because some are longer than others depending on the goal you’re trying to achieve. The more focus-orientated tracks seem to be shorter while the relaxation and meditation tracks are longer.


BrainHack 2.0


Pros & Cons


  • Induce 11 different states of mind by using binaural tones and ambient sound effects
  • Includes tracks to help you achieve everything from enhanced learning to relaxation and meditation
  • Enhance your confidence, creativity, and focus


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app


Final Words

BrainHack 2.0 is a wonderful iPhone and iPad app that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed using and would highly recommend to those of you who are in the market for this kind of brain altering, lifehacking iOS utility.


BrainHack 2.0

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.