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What Does HTML5 Mean for the Future of Apps?

30 Sep 2019 Developer News
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Nothing lasts forever, and nothing escapes developments. As much as traditional download apps have dominated mobile devices for years, their form is changing into something new and exciting. A primary driver of this comes from the development of HTML5, the evolutions born from which could be game-changing.


What is HTML5

In simple terms, HTML5 is the most recent form of a webpage programming language which has been around for decades; the language that all websites use, at least to some extend. Hypertext Markup Language acts as a basis for web documents, aided by many supporting technologies such as Flash and Cascading Style Sheers (CSS). Older forms of HTML were far more limited in what they could accomplish. This was a necessity based on the limited processing power of older devices, and the browsers on which they were run. In the modern age, however, these limitations have been smashed. HTML5 brings with it enormous advantages for both the programmers and end-users. Most commonly, at least on our end, we will see huge leaps forward in terms of multimedia integration. For one of the biggest examples of how this change could play out, we want to look at online casinos, and the games contained within.

HTML5 Stickers" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by dalcrose

The Online Casino Example

For a long time, playing online casinos on both mobile and PC necessitated downloads of programs and apps. This was owed to limitations in browsers, which could only be overcome through a deeper level of install. Today, many online casinos and online casino games can utilize HTML5 to run straight from the browser. If you want to play slots in the modern age, this means heading to a search site, choosing which of the deals appeal the most to you, and creating an account. Rarely is a download required nowadays, and this applies to far more game providers than just online casinos.


Going Forward by Looking Back

In the early days of the internet on PC, there was a huge call for games which ran straight from the browser. These flash games were limited by modern standards, but they offered a level of convenience which downloads simply could match. Players of these games didn’t need to go through complicated install processes, nor did they need to permanently take a lot of their hard drive space up with game data. Modern HTML5 falls back to these examples, opening up a convenience which many of us have long forgotten.

Google Play and Apple App Store Logos co" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by theglobalpanorama


Friendship, not Destruction

While we do expect HTML5 to lead to more systems and programs switching to browser-based offerings, it should be noted that this will never replace downloadable apps entirely. Issues in unreliable connectivity mean that downloading will always be a preferable choice for many users. Also playing a part is the fact that casino games as well as other types of gaming titles today simply require more data, and having this data installed on a device will massively decrease load times, even with a fast internet connection. Expect some games, especially smaller ones to follow the trail as blazed by the like of online casinos, but don’t expect these to ever take the place of traditional gaming apps completely. This town is big enough for both approaches.

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