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Shopify Marketing Apps | FYIs and Top 7 Picks

01 Jul 2021 Developer News
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If you are an entrepreneur using Shopify, you are in an excellent place in eCommerce.

Shopify is one of the most revolutionary and innovative eCommerce platforms of the new decade. As a result, it has, in recent years, improved the way that people do business online. It is one of your most effortless ways to connect to consumers and sell them goods for profit.

Anyone Can Sell.

At least ten to fifteen years ago, only those who had the technical personnel and capacity were able to manage online stores but because of Shopify and its following competitors, essentially anyone can sell anything online. While this ease and convenience have brought every consumer’s needs at click-fast rate delivery, the market is crowded with competitive businesses. With hundreds of thousands of online sellers, most of them using Shopify, the competition is stiff, and it is hard to stand out if you do not have the right tools.

How Big is the Shopify Competition?

With over 1,000,000 Shopify merchants in 175 countries, losing customers, not getting conversions, bounces, and other losses are everyday challenges for you. When you use Shopify, you are fighting for customers against the average seller and giants like Pepsi, Nestle, Budweiser, Unilever, WaterAid, The Economist, Penguin Books, Red Bull, and Tesla Motors.

You Will Need Effective Marketing Solutions.

The reasons why people leave your Shopify website vary, but the solution is constant - better marketing. Hence, Shopify has allowed third-party tools for you to leverage and get the sales you want. Shopify offers 2,400 apps, and 87% of merchants use them. These apps cover SEO, CRO, A/B Testing, Email Marketing, User Recovery, and more.

What Shopify App Should I Use?

Digital marketing covers Shopify eCommerce, and the choice of tools you will have to use significantly depends on the metrics that you want to improve.

Here are some eCommerce numbers you will have to consider.

  • Traffic & Leads
  • Bounce Rates
  • Click-Through-Rates
  • New Customers
  • Cart Abandonment
  • Conversion Rates
  • Average Order Value
  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Revenue
  • Etc.

The performances of each of these metrics will indicate whether your marketing has an issue or is perfectly fine.

For example, if you have high lead acquisition but low click-through rates, it can mean that your design, navigation, and copy are not convenient and convincing enough to bring users to take action. Another example is high cart abandonment rates which can indicate that your check-out is severely complicated and inconvenienced. In more straightforward situations, your navigation and check-out might be excellent, but the consumer is distracted by personal reasons or a competitor.

You Need Multiple Solutions to Your eCommerce Problems.

  • You have to fix what’s wrong with your website.
  • You have to recover or win back the people that you will potentially lose.

If you don’t fix your problems in these two ways, you risk your business’s reputation and longevity. One dissatisfied consumer quickly multiplies itself to 15x15x15 and so on. The good news is that Shopify marketing apps cover all of your needs, all made to seamlessly integrate and sync with the eCommerce platform. And all you need to do is find the best marketing tools that match your situation. While most of them do a decent job in fixing your issues and improving your eCommerce business on Shopify, there are those that stand out and are worth noting.

Here are our 7 top Shopify marketing apps.

  1. Winback
  2. PushOwl
  3. Constant Contact
  4. Drip
  5. PushEngage
  6. Omnisend
  7. Sendinblue                                                                           

Marketing App No. 1: Winback

Winback converts your lost checkouts into sales. It uses innovative tech, big data, and focused developer support to get back at least 34% of people who abandon carts on your Shopify store. The app does this via SMS, other channels, and integrated tracking and automation technology. One of the best things the users love about this app is that it guarantees up to $35 to $100 of revenue for every $1 you spend on a Winback campaign. That’s a maximum potential of 10,000% ROI that you unquestionably, need for your business.

This Shopify marketing contingency app is an essential tool because cart abandonment is a significantly rampant issue for all merchants. Without this recovery tool, you will not only lose potential sales, but the people you leave unsatisfied will damage your reputation if there is a bad reason for abandonment.

Here are things that can happen to you without Winback.

  • The most common situation for abandoned carts is that the consumer simply left because of a distraction, like something personal. However, if the distraction is a competitor, you are losing money to someone else.

  • While uncommon, If the reason for abandonment is a bad experience, 96% of unsatisfied customers do not complain and 91% simply bounce, never to return. However, these unhappy customers can tell 9-15 other consumers about shopping inconveniences on your site.

Hence, for any reason of abandonment, you have to win users back to reverse any adverse effect. The name Winback represents that guarantee. Winback is one of your most accessible and convenient Shopify marketing apps. You only need to install it, and you’re good to go; no complex automation is required. This app is an excellent marketing tool for any range of audiences, local or international. With Winback, you can win back lost customers in any market of any economic level in any continent.

Marketing App No. 2: PushOwl

PushOwl promises to convert your one-time website users into loyal customers by utilizing the subtle but influential power of push notifications.

The app uses the following features.

  • Abandoned Cart Reminders
  • Direct Marketing for Higher Visibility
  • Campaign Analysis for Optimization

The app promises five times more visibility than what you get from email marketing with your Shopify eCommerce site. The app uses powerful technology to understand user behavior, identify changes and patterns, and effectively personalize marketing outputs that your visitors receive.

Marketing App No. 3: Constant Contact

Constant Contact is an email marketing tool that seamlessly integrates with Shopify. It is made to be used simply and conveniently with the eCommerce app. So, instead of doing your email campaigns outside the Shopify platform, you can do it internally with Constant Contact. With the app, you can conveniently synchronize your mailing list from Shopify, and the tool’s technology will handle the rest for you. In addition, you will be able to easily engage users who unsubscribe and bounce while updating inactive emails. The app also features drag and drop editing for your emails, making it simple for you to customize your designs.

Marketing App No. 4: Drip

Drip is an email and SMS automation app for your Shopify eCommerce marketing. You can easily engage all types and levels of your audience with a click of a button via text and email. The app offers pre-built, customizable templates that are simple to set up. With this marketing tool, you can push out a welcome series, win-back campaign, abandoned cart workflows, and other message marketing while you sleep.

Marketing App No. 5: PushEngage

PushEngage uses custom push notifications to convert cart abandonments. It effectively engages users without them having to use email or the platform app, or even they are offsite.

Marketing App No. 6: Omnisend

Omnisend email, SMS, MMS, and push notifications to engage your users throughout your customer journey funnels, recover abandoned carts, and reactivate lost customers. The app features templates and built-in automation that make it easy for you to run your customer-saving marketing campaigns.

Marketing App No. 7: Sendinblue

With Sendinblue, you will have a plugin for Shopify that lets you sync your contacts and orders so that you can effectively serve shoppers with high-converting email campaigns. The app features a built-in editor that creates professional-level responsive emails. With this marketing tool, you can effectively grow your email list using custom signup forms embedded on your Shopify pages. You can also do SMS campaigns to boost retention rates with Sendinblue.

What App Are You Considering?

Getting customers to your site can be done by most apps. Just match your exact needs in terms of user preference of communication, the feasibility of method, and other limiting things like budget and app’s geographical reach (considering language, etc.). 

However, no matter how extensive your efforts are in bringing people to your website, there will be users that will bounce and abandon carts. To ensure you are not wasting these potential sales, you have to have an efficient and effective contingency in place.

Get Winback for Shopify today and re-engage lost users with a promise of 3500% to 10,000% ROI.

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