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Say&Go app review: record and save your notes when you are in a hurry



If you’ve ever found yourself with a great idea for a new song, product, or maybe even something that you forgot to pick up at the grocery store last night, this app allows you to record super short notes in a super short amount of time. This way, you’ll never miss out on noting down valuable nuggets of wisdom.

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I’m very impressed with the way the developer has managed to put together an app that is incredibly streamlined with an emphasis on speed and efficiency, but while still maintaining a fantastic interface with a wonderfully presented layout and great additional functionality.

All you productivity fiends out there will almost certainly want to take this app for a spin!

Say&Go Voice Notes With Reminders & Sharing


Must Dash!

As soon as you start up this app you’ll notice that it has been designed to immediately begin recording in the same instant that you access it. You only get seven seconds to record as standard but you can also swipe your finger to the right in order to refresh the clock and give yourself a few more seconds.

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The control system is largely based around gestures so that you can quickly tap or swipe something to get the job done in a couple of seconds, and you can also set yourself a Quick Reminder to go off within the next 60 minutes, ensuring you really won’t ever forget a great idea again.

Say It, Don't Spray It!

After recording an audio clip you can swipe upwards on the screen in order to upload it to Dropbox, and again, this is a very quick process which has obviously been designed with speed and convenience at the forefront of the thinking that has gone into this app as a whole.

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I would definitely suggest taking a look at the Settings menu. From here, you can adjust settings such as the automatic recording, which activates as soon as you start up the app, automatic uploading of files to Dropbox, and even the quality of the recordings themselves.

You can also adjust the Quick Reminder Time Span from here and increase your default recording time to as long as 10 seconds. Furthermore, this screen also enables you to invite your friends to use Say&Go via Facebook and Twitter.

Say&Go Voice Notes With Reminders & Sharing


Pros and Cons


  • Record short audio clips of up to 10 seconds in length
  • Upload your audio clips to Dropbox
  • Automatic recording upon initiation of the app
  • Integration with Facebook and Twitter
  • Incredibly streamlined interface offering the utmost in speed and efficiency



  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

Final Words

We all have great ideas from time to time but the key is in finding a way to note them down before they fade away from your mind like a dream.

With Say&Go at your disposal you can rest assured that you’ll never miss out on a great idea again!

Say&Go Voice Notes With Reminders & Sharing

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.