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Sleep And Noise Sounds app review: fall asleep with your favorite soothing sounds 2021



If you are reading this Sleep app review then chances are you probably need some sort of sound to fall asleep.

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Well, Sleep and Noise Sounds sleeping aid app is here to provide you with replications of the sound that will best lull you to sleep.

Whether its white noise, boiling water, the sound of the city, or a purring cat, they are all found in this soothing app for sleeping. Let's dive deeper into the features of this sleeping aid app for iPhone and iPad users.

Sleep And Noise Sounds


Brown Noise Just Sounds Gross

Since my childhood I've always needed some sort of sound to fall asleep. My sound of choice was any sort of talking; at that time it was generally talk radio.

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That has now evolved into podcasts. My girlfriend, on the other hand, utilizes a fan in our bedroom. Couple that with the cat that insists on sleeping with us and purrs like a muscle car, we've got three of the most common things people listen to.

But when you're away from home that could be hard to come by. This is where the Sleep And Noise Sounds app comes in.

Sleep And Noise Sounds has 15 different options to choose from in the free version, three of which are differing levels of static each one getting louder.

Personally by the time I got to Brown Noise, which just as a name conjures up images I don't want to have when I'm trying to sleep, it was more annoying than comforting. That being said the sound quality is great, although in some cases it does come off as synthetic. For the most part it works quite well.

There is also a sleep timer that you can set so after you drift off you aren't plagued by the sound all evening. 

Brown Noise Just Sounds Gross image

Not Happy With 15 Choices? There's More

Like most free apps Sleep and Noise Sounds does have ads, but they are in no way intrusive of the interface and the ads are easily removed for 99 cents. If you want more options for sounds for $1.99 you will get all of the available recordings and it will remove the ads as well.

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Not Happy With 15 Choices? There

Sleep And Noise Sounds


Pros and Cons


  • Sound quality is great
  • 15 different options of soothing recordings
  • Ads in the free version are in no way intrusive


  • The term "Brown Noise" is a little gross

Pros and Cons image

Final Thoughts

Sleep And Noise Sounds is a great option for those of you who need some sort of noise to fall asleep but aren't in the comfort of your own bed. The free version provides the most common sounds we all need, and even at $1.99 for the full version it's not that expensive if it's something you really require.

Sleep And Noise Sounds

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Matthew MacCallum

Matthew MacCallum is an award winning filmmaker, screenwriter, actor, and comedian. He is a lifelong Apple products user and has vowed never to seek help for his App addiction.