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Max & Ruby science educational games app review: learn science with your favorite TV characters



One of the most popular kids shows are now on your iOS to help teach your kids in Max & Ruby science educational games app. Your children can now learn with their favourite bunny siblings with the included fun science games.

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Max & Ruby! Science educational games for kids in Preschool and Kindergarten


Science Fun With Bunnies

Your children's two favorite bunnies are going to give them a lesson in basic science. The Max & Ruby science educational games app focuses to preschool and kindergarten aged kids. It provides some great science lessons along with all the fun from their favorite TV show.

Best iphone and ipad apps

The interface and controls are top notch in this app. Whether you are controlling liquids while learning the properties of water in Water Blast, or learning about force and motion in Ball-O-Rama every movement or tap is perfectly detected and executed by the app. There are 5 levels for each of these games in the free version, but that will expand to 40+ levels with a $2.99 purchase.


You Even Get Recess

The other option in Max & Ruby science educational games is Make Believe! Here your child can enhance their creativity by playing dress up with Max, Ruby and their friends. Dress your characters, create a scenario and then take a photo to share with your friends and family.


Max & Ruby! Science educational games for kids in Preschool and Kindergarten


Pros & Cons


  • A great and fun way for young children to learn science
  • Incredible audio and animation
  • Controls and interface are top notch.



  • There is nothing negative to say about this app


Final Thoughts

If  you have a child that's in preschool or kindergarten this is an app that they may well enjoy. Filled with some great science lessons, fun and featuring every kid's two bunny siblings Max & Ruby science educational games is an app every young child will love.


Max & Ruby! Science educational games for kids in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Matthew MacCallum

Matthew MacCallum is an award winning filmmaker, screenwriter, actor, and comedian. He is a lifelong Apple products user and has vowed never to seek help for his App addiction.