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Today's Document app review: what document was written on this day in history?



Today's Document application is a 365-day calendar in a 'this day in history' format, specific to historical documents. Created by the National Archives and Records Administration, this application pairs each calendar day with a historical document written on the same date in an earlier year. Users are able to use the technology of their iPhone, iPad or iPod to explore each unique document as they appear in the National Archives, but with the advantage of digital perks and features. This free application is intended to show snippets of documented American history, so each calendar day is represented by exactly one image. Unfortunately, users will not be able to rifle through multi-page documents on this app. 

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Today’s Document


Historical Calendar

From the most well-known documents to the obscure yet still important documents, this 365-day calendar compiles them all. Today's Document reminds users that each day, as mundane as it may feel at the time, has made its mark in American history. Every kind of historical document imaginable including proclamations, declarations, letters, addresses and even the occasional painted bust appears throughout the year. All 365 days are planned out and included iBook-style in the application for those who are not day-by-day calendar flippers. If you are curious about a particular date in the year, the application's search function will take you right to it. 

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From Parchment to Tablet

Each document is beautifully displayed as it appears in the archives. Every paper stain, penned note, and roughed edge is visible in great detail from the screen of your iOS device of choice. Users can take advantage of common iOS gestures like pinching to zoom and swiping right to left to turn the calendar page. Along with each document, added background information can be accessed by tapping the 'Information' icon. For even further information, a link is provided that will take users directly to the appropriate page.

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Today’s Document


Pros and Cons


  • Daily and accurate account of historical documents
  • Clear visual of each document
  • Added background information included
  • Links for full history of each document included
  • Ability to share pictures of documents via social media



  • Multi-page documents are represented by a single image


Final Words

Access to such a historical library of documents does not frequently come free. What the National Archives and Records Administration has provided is a 365-day record of American History as documented on paper and delivered it straight to the pockets of any interested iOS user. It is chock-full of American factoids and gives meaning to every day of the calendar year. All of the documented history can be viewed up close and personal while the long backstory of each document can be read in detail through the provided additional information. Users won't be able to use the app as a limitless library, but for what it provides, this app is of the highest quality! 


Today’s Document

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Cherry is a hard-working writer and an aspiring web designer who can't go a day without using her favorite apps. She's always on the lookout for new apps and enjoys discovering ones that others have overlooked.