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Gutenberg Project app review: a must-have for readers! 2021



Project Gutenburg was founded in 1971 with the goal to digitize and archive cultural works and to encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks online and through a books app. 

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All of the documents available in this app for reading are free of charge, and it was about time that someone made an app that allows you to access the documents in this library.

Luckily Himalaya - soft came to the rescue and developed Gutenberg Project, an e-reader that gives you direct access to thousands of books and  human-read audio books for your iPhone,  iPod touch, or iPad.

Keep reading our Gutenberg Project app review to learn more details about this good book app for iPhone and iPad users. 

Gutenberg Project


Design and Layout

Regrettably, even though it is a free app, Gutenberg Project is designed to look like it was made in the late '80s. The only thing where it stands out it is content, on which I will come back to a bit later.

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The page flipping animation is nice, but the user interface looks like an outdated website and links within the app link towards dead pages or pages that aren’t easily read on a mobile device.

Getting a book is also pretty difficult, as some of the books are just there in title and not complete. After trying a few different books I finally managed to download and successfully read a book. These books are not as easily read as on Kindle or iBooks either, as their layout is as plain as can be.

Design and Layout image


You'll see a lot of books and a lot of audio books, all of them free from copyright and in the public domain. If you need a nice library to read from, this should be one of the apps that sits standard on your device.

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Most of the books they claim to have are also available in epub format for kindle, meaning you can easily transfer them over. I tried this, but the books I tried didn’t have an epub format, even though they stated differently.

A search function, which looks like Google did in the early 1990s, is functional and makes finding your books or writers easy enough, but you’ll never know if you can actually download the book. 

Content image

Gutenberg Project


Pros and Cons


  • Lots of free content in the form of books and audio books
  • Download and read within seconds


  •  Too many broken links
  •  A really bad design and layout
  •  Not an official app

Pros and Cons image


Access to the content of the Gutenberg Project is something we should all look out for. Now it is here in the form of this app, but I believe we can do this a lot better and more user-friendly.

All the broken links make the app hard to use and it really annoys me that some advertised books in the top 10 only have three pages instead of the 500 they should have. 

Gutenberg Project

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