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iWedPlanner app review: plan the perfect wedding



With holiday time being one of the most popular times to get engaged there is a chance you are among the many who are now busy planning a wedding. The iWedPlanner app for your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad gives you a simple, engaging, and even fun way to plan your big day. Thanks to this app you can stay organized and on-track when it comes to planning, appointments, meetings, and even making payments to your vendors. Nothing will go by unnoticed yet there is no stress on your plate to remember all these details.

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Wedding Planner iWedPlanner


Reign in the Stress

If you are busy planning a wedding or just got engaged then you know exactly the kind of stress that goes along with it. It is easily the most stressful event you will ever plan and often puts such a sour taste in people's mouths that they would rather elope. With that said this app has been created to help with your stress level during this time by giving you a simple way to keep track of all the details, give you reminders, and more. If you can’t afford to have a wedding planner, this is the next best thing as it acts as your virtual assistant.

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This app can be seen as a complete planning tool, guide, and assistant as it can even help you find the vendors and items you are looking for.

Reign in the Stress image

Using the App

There are a few main features you are given in this app which are the vendors section, To-Do list, reminders, My Wedding Day (a countdown), organizer, budget calculator, RSVP tracker, and the seating tool. As you move through the process you will be able to make use of each of these sections and organize as you go. What’s great is because it’s an app on your mobile device you will always have the information on hand for when you need it.

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What I find interesting is that since this app’s latest update the user ratings have dropped dramatically, indicating that there are some issues that are clearly plaguing the app. From what I can gather it seems the app is known to freeze, which obviously doesn’t help when you’re in the middle of planning. There are a few other items I’m not fond of in this app; for instance, the user interface is very basic-looking with poor-quality graphics. I also don’t like the fact that in order to use the majority of the features/tools you will first need to register.

Using the App image

Wedding Planner iWedPlanner


Pros and Cons


  • Easy to use
  • Offers a wide selection of wedding planning tools to use throughout the process


  • The user interface is a bit of a disappointment
  • You need to register to use the majority of the features
  • Some users are experiencing issues with the app crashing

Pros and Cons image

Final Thoughts

While the iWedPlanner app isn’t the worst offering as far as wedding planning tools go, it is also far from the best. This app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone feels as though it misses the mark a bit.

Wedding Planner iWedPlanner

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