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Running for Weight Loss for iPad app review: helping you lose weight



Losing weight is no easy task whether you are just trying to lose a few pounds or more. The Running for Weight Loss for iPad app can be used to help you reach your weight loss goals by providing you with tips and a complete training plan. There is no need to join an expensive gym, buy all kinds of books and videos to create the ultimate plan when you can use the app instead to help you achieve your goals.

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Running for Weight Loss for iPad: training plan, how-to-lose-weight tips by Red Rock Apps


A Short but Complete Program

The program you are given in this app is an eight week training plan. This app is currently being offered at a discounted price as well so now is the time to act. This program is an indoor running program that is designed to result in weight loss. The way this is achieved is through interval training. The program will take eight weeks to complete and is made up of three workouts per week. There are a few customization options to ensure the program is tailored to your needs.

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This app is a new release and requires iOS 7.0 to use. As of right now it's bringing in a very impressive five star rating from users. They love the simplicity of the design and the plan itself. You are given the eight week training program as well as weight loss tips so you have a complete package here that takes it further than just running.

A Short but Complete Program image

How the Program Works

As mentioned this training program uses interval training. You will be combining sprinting, walking, and running during the interval training so you are always changing things up. As mentioned there are a few customization features such as being able to choose from three workout program options that range from beginners to advanced. No-one needs to feel as though this program is out of their reach, just pick the right program for your level.

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During the workout you are given clear and concise instructions to follow. You can listen to podcasts, your music, or an audio book during your workout. Check out the calories you have burned after your workout and other statistics. There is also the ability to make changes to your workout. To help keep you motivated you can share your successes and progress with friends and family on Twitter and Facebook. Don’t forget to check out the weight loss tips that can help you reach your goals that much faster.

How the Program Works image

Running for Weight Loss for iPad: training plan, how-to-lose-weight tips by Red Rock Apps


Pros and Cons


  • Gives you a complete eight week program to follow
  • Uses an indoor running interval training program
  • The ability to customize your program
  • The ability to listen to music, podcasts, or audio books while working out


  • The app feels limiting since you can only use it on your iPad

Pros and Cons image

Final Thoughts

The Running for Weight Loss for iPad app is a user-friendly complete eight week weight loss program that you can follow in the comfort of your own home.

Running for Weight Loss for iPad: training plan, how-to-lose-weight tips by Red Rock Apps

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