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Would you rather app review: a great app for a night in with friends



Having a night in with friends is always a great way to spend any night. One of the games you can play is a simple game called “Would you rather.. I’m sure everyone has played this at one point in their life, but sometimes it could be really hard to come up with subjects. Developer BM Tech has developed an app for this called, you guessed it, "Would you rather." The app is developed specifically for iPad.

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What's Your Choice - Would You Rather quesitons


Design and Usability

The app is designed to keep things simple. You don’t get to see an introduction or a title screen, as the app speaks for itself. You simply get to see two statements and you have to pick which one you would rather. This can of course also be done in a group. When you have picked your choice, the app shows you what percentage of people agreed and disagreed with you, giving you yet another good conversational piece. If you don’t want to answer a particular question, you can always press the next button for the next statement. There is an unlimited amount of statements in the app, which I will explain why in the next paragraph.

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Would you rather screenshot
Would you rather screenshot

Creating Your Own “Would you Rather”

The app is endless in its statements, simply because you can add your own “Would you rather."Simply choose the plus button in the top right-hand corner, fill in the two different options, add additional notes if you want, and press submit. The developer will receive your request and if it’s a good one, and not too offensive, will add it in the next update. This way the app will always be updated and will never cross any lines that shouldn’t be crossed. The app doesn’t work offline.

Difficult questions
Difficult questions

What's Your Choice - Would You Rather quesitons


Pros and Cons


  • A really good conversation starter
  •  Add your own “Would you rather”
  • See percentages and additional information about statements



  • Only works offline
  • No option for multiple answers

 Add your own question!
Add your own question!


I would rather have this app on my device at all times than to live without it. The app is easy to use, well-designed and is a great conversation starter. The fact that you can add your own Would you rather questions to the app makes it all the more interesting and it’s really fun to see what other people came up with. The app is only available for iPad, which is quite a letdown, as it would work really well on iPhone as well. The app is only usable online and is just under 6MB.


What's Your Choice - Would You Rather quesitons

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Wout has worked in the video games industry for over 10 years and is an avid traveler. His iPad is his most trusted friend and he's passionate about keep you up to date on the latest apps and games.