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iBaby Feed Timer app review: the breastfeeding mother's perfect assistant-2020



In order to help breastfeeding moms keep track of the timing and duration of their baby's meals, iBaby Feed Timer is a downloadable iPhone and iPad baby feeding app, which costs just $2.99.

I have plenty of friends who have recently borne children and it has made me realize one thing: it's mentally exhausting! “Mommy Brain” is a real thing and it's hard especially for new moms to remember everything at once. That's where an app for mothers like this one comes in handy.

I think it's a great idea to have a breastfeed timer app such as this one to help breastfeeding mothers take at least one major thing off their mind: when to feed the baby. Yes, this app also contains a helpful reminder for your baby's feeding time along with which breast to start on!

This can be particularly useful when you wake up in the middle of the night to feed your baby. All you need to do is reach for your iPhone or iPad and look up the information. Check out our review on this baby feeding time app and stop by our best pregnancy apps list for more great options.

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Baby Feed Timer - Breastfeeding, Nursing, Bottle Feeding & Baby Development Log


Functional Features

The developers have put a lot of care and love into this app and it shows. When you begin, you create your baby's profile by putting up a picture, its name, date of birth, and other details. The app will tell you how old your baby is in weeks! It's the little things that makes this app great.

The profile feature also means you can keep track of more than one breastfeeding child, whether it's a sibling, twins, or triplets!

When your baby begins the feed, quickly open up the app and time it. You simply need to use the Start/Stop button. Babies tend to start and stop a lot, especially newborns, so you also have a Pause button for such situations.

You can then also add a diary entry with any details you might like to include, so you have a comprehensive account of each feeding.

Not only can you log each feed, but you can also specify whether it was a breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Furthermore, diaper changes and expressions can also be logged for your records.

You can then quickly pull up an account of how long ago your baby had its last feeding, when the next feeding should be, and which breast you should use. You will also receive a reminder when the next feeding is due!

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Functional Features image

Trends And Data

After some time has passed, you will be able to view charts that display all the data on a timeline view which will facilitate your understanding of the baby's feeding patterns such as timing, duration, and diaper changes. This will help you notice if your baby is suddenly acting differently, indicating he or she may be sick if feeding too little.

The input of feeding data can also be done manually and is highly customizable, giving you options such as feeding with both breasts, using current feed trends to give alerts, or to simply give alerts at intervals of your preferred time.

Does your baby take very long feeds? You can play games, listen to music, or talk on the phone while the timer runs in the background.

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Trends And Data image

Baby Feed Timer - Breastfeeding, Nursing, Bottle Feeding & Baby Development Log


Pros & Cons


  • Easy to use one-button start/stop timer, especially useful during the night feeds.
  • Log breast feeds, bottle feeds, expressing, and diapers.
  • Ability to synchronize data between iPhones, iPads, and iPods.
  • Make calls, play games, or other tasks, and the timer will continue to run


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

Pros & Cons image

Final Words

You no longer need to write down baby feed times on pieces of paper or wear wristbands on either arm to remind you of which breast to start feeding on. You can leave that responsibility to iBaby Feed Timer and enter the information while you are feeding from the convenience of your iPhone or iPad! This is a must-have for new moms and definitely worth the $2.99.

Baby Feed Timer - Breastfeeding, Nursing, Bottle Feeding & Baby Development Log

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Neha Sinha

Neha has been writing and editing since 2010 and has been reviewing iOS apps since early 2014. She has lived in four different countries and loves having the world at her fingertips thanks to these awesome apps.