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App for Legend of Zelda app review: a news app with all the The Legend of Zelda news



When I was nine years old a game was released that changed my life forever. This game was called The Legend of Zelda and it was an adventure game like no one has ever seen before. This game didn’t just allow you to fight all kinds of mythical enemies, but also allowed you to explore a huge overworld map. This meant the game wasn’t just about levels but about exploring and finding secrets in a huge world. Since then, I have always followed the Legend of Zelda series closely, but I only got back interested in it when the latest version was released a few years ago. Developer Roman Bayik has released a news app that can help me and other fans up-to-date with App for The Legend of Zelda. The app is compatible with both iPad and iPhone and is just under 9 MB.

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Guide for Legend of Zelda + Wallpapers, News and Videos


What it Offers

As mentioned in the last paragraph, the app offers the latest news about the Legend of Zelda series. It seems, however, this is not edited in any way, as every single news item that mentions the series will get an entry, which is quite poor. Also, the app starts up on the photo section, where it seems that anyone can post and it looks like it just follows a simple Google Image search. This goes for the video page too, which doesn’t make the app any better.

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Main page
Main page

Game Guides

Where this app could stand or fall for me was the simple fact if they had all the different games covered, from the first one that was released to the latest one. Filled with hope I clicked the guides tab, only to find out it brings me to a website that only offers the guide for the latest iteration. It feels like the developer of this app hasn’t really done anything by himself but simply link to everything on the Internet. He could at least have linked to all the different game guides for the game that were released in the history of the game.

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Guide for Legend of Zelda + Wallpapers, News and Videos


Pros and Cons


  • Keep up with ALL the latest mentions of The Legend of Zelda
  • Watch all the videos and photos mentioning The Legend of Zelda


  • The laziest app developer I have ever seen
  • Only a guide for the latest game, linked to a website




As far as reference and news apps go, this must have been one of the laziest ones I have ever seen. All the content in the app is either simply stolen from Google Search or linked to a different website. It seems like the developer really didn’t put any effort in, even with the design of the app as it doesn’t even look like a The Legend of Zelda app. The app is designed for both iPad and iPhone and weighs in at just under 9 MB.


Guide for Legend of Zelda + Wallpapers, News and Videos

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Wout has worked in the video games industry for over 10 years and is an avid traveler. His iPad is his most trusted friend and he's passionate about keep you up to date on the latest apps and games.