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Sfronzols app review: your own virtual pet



There's no question about it owning a pet is a wonderful experience but it also carries with it a lot of work, responsibility, and expenses that not everyone can take on. With that said here's a chance to own your very own cute little virtual pet with the Sfronzols app. This app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone and unlike the real thing, you won’t be faced with expensive vet bills, cleaning up messes in and out of your house, and having to rush home to look after your animal.

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Sfronzols - Virtual Pet


Plenty of Fun with Much Less Work

While a real pet is obviously capable of things a virtual pet just can't compete with there's still a lot to be said for this app. This isn't just a pet you look after here and there on your mobile device it actually has its own personality and will interact with you. Each Sfronzol is different from the next with their own traits such as being funny, extremely need, and even a bit "cheeky." Your experience with your pet will be different than other people, kind of like a choose-your-own-adventure idea. The game will follow the path you create and is unique to you.

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There have been some recent bug fixes made to the app for a smoother performance. It scores very high with users getting 4.5 out of five stars. The app is free to play but there are gems you can purchase for $0.99.


Your own unique Sfronzol
Your own unique Sfronzol

Interact and Have Fun Together

You'll never have to feel alone now that you have your very own Sfronzol. Once your virtual pet has been born it is capable of eating, laughing, getting sick, dancing, using the potty, playing, sneezing, and even getting angry. You need to be sure to give it lots of attention and what it needs or else that's how they get sick. Some of the activities will seem more like you're caring for a baby such as helping it fall asleep by rocking it. If your pet needs anything just visit the village store where you can find medicine, food, clothing items, and accessories. You will be using virtual money to purchase the items, which is where the gems come in handy.

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I really enjoy the uniqueness of your experience. I like that both you and your friend can be using the app and yet have totally different pets with different personalities and needs. It makes it feel personal and realistic.


Cute interactive gameplay
Cute interactive gameplay

Sfronzols - Virtual Pet


Pros and Cons


  • Each player will have his or her own unique experience
  • All Sfronzols are different with their own unique traits
  • Look after your virtual pet just as you would a real one
  • Interact with it whenever you like


  • Purchasing items at the store uses virtual money, which you may have to purchase more of if you run out
  • The content often feels slow to load


Spend a little time with it
Spend a little time with it

Final Words

The Sfronzols app can be played on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone and gives anyone a chance to own and care for their very own unique pet.


Sfronzols - Virtual Pet

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