Those who work in the music industry as a sound engineer or musician understand exactly how important it is to have a keen ear for music.
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The hearEQ app for improving your ear for recording songs can be used on your iPod touch, iPad and iPhone has been developed to help you really train your ear and hear all the different layers of your music.
The iPhone app for music recording is ideal for professional sound engineer and musicians, as well as anyone who has a love for music.
This iPhone app for song recording will help you as you record a song, make sound edits, mix elements, and just while you're listening to your favorite music on iTunes. Keep reading our HearEQ app review for more details.
An Ear for Music
Not everyone is born with an ear for music and if you happen to work in the industry then you need to have a very good ear. The hearEQ app is really meant to help train your ear and take your appreciation for details to a new level.
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Even if you already feel you’re pretty good when it comes to noticing different sounds and elements this app can still help perfect your skills. What’s really amazing is the speed in which you’ll be able to see results.
This educational app has a couple of in-app purchases available both priced at $1.99.

The Learning and Listening Experience
The hearEQ app is extremely simple to use yet it is packed with educational value. The idea is that users will be able to learn about each of the qualities in a frequency band giving them a greater understanding of music as a whole.
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The app makes use of all your favorite songs and then offers exercises with them. You will be learning how to really narrow in on your EQ skills and learning about all the different frequency bands.
Once you familiarize yourself with the lesson then you can apply it to your own sounds and really make it all the more professional sounding. The app uses a standard 10-band equalizer just to make things easy and universal.
You are given 10 questions and 10 frequencies in your test and then you are given a score so you know exactly where you need to make improvements.

Pros and Cons
- The app can be used by professionals in the music industry and those with a love of music
- The app is very simple to use
- You will be training your ear to recognize the different frequency bands
- Results start happening pretty fast
- Not all features/tools are included in the download price

Final Words
The hearEQ app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone feels like one of those tools that is really fun to use yet it actually has an educational purpose. The app is user-friendly, professional, and well-done.