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Easy Wifi app review: extensive coverage



Easy Wifi : automatic connection hotspots fon zon belgacom telenet voo freewifi sfr orange and iCloud sync is a great app for iPhone and iPad that will provide you with unfettered access to Wi-Fi networks from numerous European providers.

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Whether you live in Europe or you’re simply traveling through, I would definitely recommend considering this app because it will enable you to easily connect to a Wi-Fi network while you’re on the go.

Easy Wifi : automatic connection hotspots fon zon belgacom telenet voo freewifi sfr orange and iCloud sync


Easy Wi-Fi in Western Europe

What we have here is a very nifty little app in the Utilities category of the App Store that you can use to easily gain Wi-Fi connectivity from hotspots courtesy of multiple European providers.

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The providers covered by this app are as follows:

  • Bouygues Telecom Wi-Fi
  • FreeWifi
  • FON_BELGACOM (Belgium)
  • SFR WiFi Public
  • SFR WiFi FON
  • McDonald's France 
  • orange
  • Wifi Gratuit Decathlon
  • VOO_HOMESPOT (Belgium)

So you should be able to cross multiple borders while still enjoying access.

Don't get caught offline
Don't get caught offline

Set Up Private Networks

Easy Wifi : automatic connection hotspots fon zon belgacom telenet voo freewifi sfr orange and iCloud sync allows you to record your information across multiple providers depending on which accounts you have set up, and your details are automatically saved for quick and easy access.

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Another handy feature of this app is that you can use it to set up and configure your own private networks with easy sharing and syncing of credentials via Bluetooth connectivity so that other people can easily connect if required.

Wi-Fi made easy
Wi-Fi made easy

Easy Wifi : automatic connection hotspots fon zon belgacom telenet voo freewifi sfr orange and iCloud sync


Pros & Cons


  • Easily gain Wi-Fi connectivity from hotspots provided by multiple European providers
  • Record your information across multiple providers depending on which accounts you have set up
  • Login details are automatically saved for quick and easy access
  • Set up and configure your own private networks with easy sharing and syncing of credentials
  • Share your login details with others via Bluetooth connectivity
  • Easily synchronize your identifiers with iCloud for access across all of your iOS devices


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

Find hotspots in a jiffy
Find hotspots in a jiffy

Final Words

Easy Wifi : automatic connection hotspots fon zon belgacom telenet voo freewifi sfr orange and iCloud sync is well worth checking out if you live in Europe or are traveling through and want easy connectivity on your iPhone and iPad.


Easy Wifi : automatic connection hotspots fon zon belgacom telenet voo freewifi sfr orange and iCloud sync

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.