Here's a cool transit app to plan your routes/trips to and fro and that's by taking a look at your calendar and basing transportation needs on your activities.
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The TripGo transit app for iPhone and iPad approaches navigation in a different way. The good iPhone app for transit options works automatically by going through your calendar and then building your trips around those events. This can help you reach your destination on time and with the most direct route.
For more details, check out our TripGo app review below.
Saving You Precious Time
It seems like nowadays people are always in a rush so isn't it great when you can find a way to save time? The TripGo app can do that for you by providing you with routing information based on the events you'll be attending.
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You won't have to worry about figuring out the best possible route because the app automatically figures it out. The app makes it possible for you to get directions that are based on real-time data. You can even set up leave alerts so you are sure to leave with enough time to reach your destination.
In the app's most recent update there were a number of improvements made to give users a smoother, more productive experience with the app. Users seem to be quite pleased with the app and have given it four out of five stars. Their comments are very complimentary in general.
![Saving You Precious Time image](/upload/template/20600-img-2.jpg)
App Features and Tools
Keep in mind that while the TripGo app supports a number of big cities it doesn't support all of them. You'll want to check out the list first to see if you live in an area that is supported.
The app works by automatically figuring out your trips whether it be to a party, to work, to school, or any other place. There are door-to-door comparisons that look at the time, price, and environmental impact of the transportation method.
Use this app to find transportation pricing, transportation timetables for public transportation options, taxi fares, and toll information. Use the app to find businesses and points of interest and you can make use of the turn-by-turn navigation. This is a universal offering so it will work on all your devices.
The user interface is uncluttered and simple to navigate, you'll have no problem plotting your route through it. And the fact that it is automated makes it very convenient to use.
![App Features and Tools image](/upload/template/20600-img-3.jpg)
Pros and Cons
- The app is simple and many of the features are automated
- Enable “leave alerts” so you leave enough time to reach your destination
- Find the best route based on your needs
- Use the app for public transit timetables and pricing
- The app provides you with routes based on the events you have in your calendar
- There is nothing negative to say
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Final Thoughts
The TripGo app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is an automated approach to trip planning that is user-friendly and unique.