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isosceles : geometry sketchpad app review: a fantastic mathematical app for use in education for practice or teaching



isosceles : geometry sketchpad is an iPhone and iPad educational app that helps to teach students geometry by projecting a precise representation of shapes measured, drawn, and created by you or your students.

isosceles : geometry sketchpad


Teach Math More Easily

When I was teaching in the classroom, we had SMARTBoards in nearly every classroom in the board I was working for. This was awesome, but for some subjects it was more difficult than it needed to be. In the past, I would photocopy a grid sheet to draw with a ruler and water erase marker. When I was required to draw on the SMARTBoard, I could no longer be as precise. This app, however, fixes this problem. Now I have a grid paper and a mathematical app that will help me draw. The SMARTBoard grid papers just didn’t cut it!

When I was supply teaching, I’d make sure to have an overhead of the grid paper, as well as the grid paper slide ready in my SMARTBoard folder. This helped me to be prepared for what may come up in math class. I wish this app had been around then! Measuring angles, constructing multisided 2D shapes, and also 3D shapes is easy with this great math app.

Draw figures and add calculations
Draw figures and add calculations

Perfect for Students, Teachers, and Professionals

isosceles : geometry sketchpad is a very versatile app. You can draw lines, circles, polygons, and conics, and you can also combine them to create complete drawings. The app automatically attaches new additions to nearby objects so your drawing remains accurate. Plus, you can add text wherever you need to for annotations, mathematical expressions, calculations, and so on. Insert images and graph functions directly, and easily to construct your diagram and figures for teaching, or for your own construction needs.

Extra features for teachers include connecting your iPad to a tv or projector for easy presentation, and for students, you can easily access the side bar to take notes as you solve problems. It really is a versatile mathematical app.

Render 3D figures
Render 3D figures

isosceles : geometry sketchpad


Pros & Cons


  • Free
  • Versatile for students, teachers, and professionals
  • Lots of applications from completing homework, to tutoring, teaching, and more
  • Draws figures accurately
  • Sidebar for notes
  • Connect to a TV or projector


  • None found

Tutorials to assist you in your calculations
Tutorials to assist you in your calculations

Final Thoughts

isosceles : geometry sketchpad is  great mathematical app for the iPad and iPhone that was designed by a 16-year-old to help his teacher with lessons and fellow students with homework. The app is versatile in its applications and uses, and I am very impressed with the overall design of the app. If I were still teaching in the classroom, I would absolutely be utilizing this app. Thus, I would recommend it to anyone who is teaching, learning, an experimenting with math. It's well-designed, easy to use, and versatile; this app is awesome!


isosceles : geometry sketchpad

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