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MyGarden app review: grow the perfect garden



If you’re an avid gardener then the MyGarden app is a must-have. In a world where social networking is so prevalent why not a social network for those of us with a green thumb? That’s exactly what MyGarden is. This one started as a website-based app just like Facebook and then the standalone app followed. The difference here is that the app is more of a companion for the website: if you want to really get the most out of it you should probably checkout the site first. It’s too bad that they don’t really explain that when you download the app. This is a free app and it’s compatible with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

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Plant Your Garden

Before I mention what I liked about this app I have to express some disappointment. It’s a great idea, and as someone who loves to spend time in the garden myself I must admit I was pretty excited when I found out there was a social media site for gardeners. For anyone who’s used Facebook or Twitter for any length of time there’s a certain level of expectation when it comes to social media sites. MyGarden just didn’t live up to my level of expectation: not because there isn’t a lot of great information available on the site, but because of the way it’s laid out. Facebook and Twitter are very user-friendly, MyGarden is not. It was only by visiting the website that I was able to gain a good understanding of what the app could actually do for me. For me, a good app should be able to stand alone.

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There is a lot of good stuff in this app. One thing I really liked was the plant database. If you’ve ever wondered what a plant was that’s growing in your neighbor’s yard but you couldn’t bring yourself to ask, this app may very well have the answers you’re looking for. Even if you can’t find what you’re looking for you can always ask: there is a whole community of folks with a passion for gardening. This app will only require 14.2 MB of space on your iOS device to download.

How it Works

It definitely is a good idea to check out the website before you get started with this app. Once you do have a good feel for what MyGarden is all about you’ll have a lot easier time navigating the app. When you’re ready to go the first thing you’ll need to do is to create a profile (if you don’t already have one from spending time on the website).

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The app is pretty basic. There are five options on the main page: plant overview, add a message, messages, gardeners, and garden to-do’s. The my plants tab is divided into two categories: my plants, and popular. Popular is a list of plants that are already in the sites data base, and my plants is a list of the plants in your own garden: you can add these by choosing a plant from the popular tab. Messages is where you’ll find the plants that others have recently added to their profile, as well as any questions they might have about plants for the network. If you choose the add a message tab you can add your own question to the conversation. Gardeners is the main social part of the app. This is where you can follow other gardeners with similar interest to you. Finally, Garden To-do’s is just what it sounds like: your own personal gardening to do list. It all works pretty well, and I didn’t experience any glitches. As an added bonus there are no ads in this app!



Pros and Cons


  • A social network for gardeners
  • Simple to use, especially if you already use social network apps
  • Lots of valuable information
  • No ads


  • Not easy to figure out if you don’t check out the website first
  • Not very user-friendly

Final Words

If you like to garden then you should definitely download the MyGarden app. It has a lot of great information, it’s just not the best laid out app. It’s a good idea to check out the website before you download the app.



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Cherry is a hard-working writer and an aspiring web designer who can't go a day without using her favorite apps. She's always on the lookout for new apps and enjoys discovering ones that others have overlooked.