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Write app review: note taking in a whole new way



Yes there are plenty of apps dedicated to note-taking but they aren't all built the same and they certainly don't all offer what this next one does. The Write app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone and gives users a brilliantly simple way to take and write notes. You'll want to be sure you don't pass off this minimal looking app as too simple though because it is loaded with powerful features, which is exactly why it has more than 1,000,000 users to date.

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Write - Notes & Writing


Note Taking Should Be Easy

Gone are the days where people fish around in their bag, desk, or home for a pencil and paper to make notes instead most rely on their mobile devices. The problem is that many of these note taking apps actually make the process confusing and convoluted even though you just want to make a quick note. This is where the Write app can come in very handy. The whole goal of this app is to simplify the lives of users and provide them with a quick and user-friendly way to make notes. What’s great is that you’ll always have you notes with you when you need them and the app is handy whenever you want to jot down items.

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This productivity-based app requires iOS 7.0 or later to use and currently has an impressive customer rating of four out of five stars. It has just gone through a pretty substantial update that addressed all kinds of issues, the looks of the app, functions, and even the size of the app. The app was essentially rebuilt and is now a very sleek and powerful offering.

The app is absolutely loaded with tools and features
The app is absolutely loaded with tools and features

A Look at the Features

It would be next to possible to highlight all the features in the Write app so instead here's a look at just a few of the great tools you'll have access to. You're able to decide the background and font for each of the documents you create, and that background can even be one of your own pictures. The TextExpander and auto text tools making typing quick and easy, you can type and also read in full screen, there is a character and word count, and your documents can be saved automatically. Documents can be synced with Dropbox, can be printed using AirPrint, can be emailed as a PDF attachment, and the app supports iTunes file sharing. The user interface couldn't be cleaner or more user-friendly and you can even sort your notes in a variety of ways.

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Customize the features and the look of the app
Customize the features and the look of the app

Write - Notes & Writing


Pros and Cons


  • The user interface is incredibly user-friendly
  • The app is loaded with features and tools
  • The app is customizable
  • Typing is simple and quick thanks to the TextExpander and auto text tools
  • Sync documents with Dropbox, share documents by email, and print via AirPrint


  • There had been a number of issues with the app all of which have been addressed and fixed to provide users with an enhanced experience

Access to any devices
Access to any devices

Final Words

The Write app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is filled with customizable tools that are easy to access and set so that this app performs as you need it to.

Write - Notes & Writing

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