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BoomBar - Store and Loyalty Cards app review: get rid of that bulky wallet



In North America and right across the world, consumerism has transformed the way we live our daily lives. Every time you turn around a company is offering you a coupon or trying to sign you up to their loyalty card. There aren’t many industries that don’t try and take advantage of this sales and marketing tactic. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as we can definitely reap real benefits from the rewards we receive from using our loyalty cards, but it can be a real pain carrying multiple cards around stuffed into your wallet. 

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BoomBar - Store and Loyalty Cards is an innovative new app that aims to get rid of the need to carry all those cards around by storing all the information on them in one simple app. It’s a great idea with a lot of potential. This app is available for download from the App Store at a cost of $0.99 and it’s compatible with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. 

BoomBar - Store Reward and Loyalty Cards


Card Replacement Technology

There are a lot of great apps in the App Store designed to make our lives easier and probably some of the best ideas for apps are useful little tools that we don’t even realize we have a need for. Boombar - Store and Loyalty Cards definitely fits this mold. Most of us have never considered what an inconvenience it is carting around multiple loyalty cards with us everywhere we go. We’re more interested in taking advantage of every savings opportunity that’s presented to us, but this doesn’t mean we aren’t interested in an app that can eliminate the need for all our loyalty cards we just didn’t know we had any alternative. 

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BoomBar - Store and Loyalty Cards is a simple app with few bells and whistles: it just works. The only major issue with this app is that it doesn’t provide any instructions at all within the app. You do get a good idea of the apps major attributes and benefits by reading over its description in the App Store, but there’s absolutely nothing in the app itself. This is a curious oversight for an app that’s designed to make our lives easier. This app will require 5.2 MB of available space on your iOS device. 

How it Works

When you open the app you’ll be greeted by a pretty simple user interface. At the top of the screen is a graphic of a barcode scan which gives you a pretty good indication of how the app works. Essentially the app takes a picture of the barcode on your loyalty card and then you can simply use this app on your iPhone in place of the card. It’s a pretty ingenious idea. The first thing you’ll want to do is to tap on a category for the card you’re adding: these include airline cards, credit cards, gift cards, and many others. Once you’ve selected your category simply tap on the add icon at the bottom of the screen, take a picture of your cards barcode, and you’re all set to go.

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If you want to find a stored card you can simply tap on the my cards icon on the bottom left of the screen to find the card you want to use. There’s also a settings icon on the bottom menu which is where you’ll find a tool to back up your information to iCloud if you so desire. The app's functionality is quite basic but it really does work. 

BoomBar - Store Reward and Loyalty Cards


Pros and Cons


  • Replace your loyalty cards with this easy-to-use app
  • You can store your cards by category
  • Simple user interface


  • No in-app instructions

Final Words

If you can`t live without your loyalty cards but you’re tired of carting them around with you then you’ll definitely want to try out BoomBar - Store and Loyalty Cards. This innovative little app uses your own camera to save your cards barcode inside the app for use in place of the card. It’s a simple concept, but it works quite well. 


BoomBar - Store Reward and Loyalty Cards

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Cherry is a hard-working writer and an aspiring web designer who can't go a day without using her favorite apps. She's always on the lookout for new apps and enjoys discovering ones that others have overlooked.