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VPN Express app review: putting an end to blocked websites



VPN Express by Bestsparks makes sure a pesky little thing like a blocked website doesn't stand in your way.

So what exactly is this vpn app? Simply put, it is a 128-bit encrypted tunnel that is between your iPad and one of the app's servers. It gives you an anonymous experience because you won't be using IP numbers to configure the web apps. Not to worry there is no software you need to install either, everything is kept very simple.

VPN Express - Free Mobile VPN


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Features of this app include giving you the ability to bypass Skype and other VOIP blocked sites and bypass websites that may be blocked in your geographical location. It assigns a whole new IP number to your computer so you can hide yours, and it gives you access to restricted sites and gets you behind firewalls. It’s like being able to use the best of the James Bond technology from your mobile device quickly and easily.

Additional features include the fact it will protect your WiFi connection in public hotspots, at home, work, or school. With this app you get a sense of anonymity and security thanks to the secure encrypted connection to the Internet. The app gives you 300 MB VPN data for free for you to try out and then you can buy subscription packages from there.

VPN Express was updated on Nov. 7, 2012 and currently has 1,512 customer ratings with an average rating of four and a half out of five starsm making it one of the best vpn apps out there.

I loved the total anonymity this app gave me so I knew my IP number was completely protected and secure.

For: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad with iOS 5.0 or later. VPN Express is optimized for iPhone 5.

VPN Express - Free Mobile VPN


VPN Express - Free Mobile VPN

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