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Anime & Manga Amino app review: a social community for fans



Anime & Manga Amino by Narvii Inc. is a social networking app that has been created for the fans of Anime and Manga. It is meant to be a community app. Fans around the world now have a place to unite, chat, and read about all the latest news and you can also watch Crunchy Roll for free.This app was updated on June 19, 2013 and is available in English and Simplified Chinese. Anime & Manga Amino is featured in our list of the Best anime apps for iPhone

Anime Amino


User Experience

When you launch this app you'll instantly be greeted by the anime graphics and characters that you love and enjoy. The app feels fun and fluid with new content being posted all the time. The fact that you can chat with people around the world who share your interests makes it really enjoyable. The app is able to send you push notifications to ensure you never miss an important post/story/or content.

User Experience image


Features of this app include being able to chat with other fans of anime, cosplay, manga, comics, and cartoons. You can ask and answer questions, check out location based topics, and search for specific topics. You can view pictures of anime cosplayers, write answers to help out others (and even earn points in the process), and find fans located near you.

Some of the things people use this app for include sharing their cosplay costume, sharing their anime experiences, and meeting fans around the world.

The app is constantly being updated with topics, content, and more so that it never feels stagnant or old. Within your profile you can quickly view how many people you're following and how many are following you, as well as your reputation. The news feed is where you'll find all the current and important content.

Features image

Anime Amino


In-App Purchases

There are no in-app purchases.

Update Info

Version 1.3.0 features user interface improvements, bug fixes, a user profile cover gallery, user icons that you can now click on in the in-app notification list, and a search feature you can use when looking for your favorite users.

Customer Ratings and Feedback Comments

The current version of the app has 127 customer ratings with an average rating of five out of five stars. Fans of anime and manga clearly can't get enough of the app and have nothing but good things to say about it.

A few people have experienced issues with the current update.

Customer Ratings and Feedback Comments image

Personal Comments by Reviewer

If you’re a fan of anime or manga then this app is a must-have download for you. I did find the news feed to be a bit cluttered-looking and busy, which makes it hard to stay on top of all the stories. It just feels like there is an awful lot of information that is being conveyed in this app; perhaps too much information.

Personal Comments by Reviewer image

Pros and Cons


  • Created for fans of anime and manga
  • Sleek and modern looking user interface
  • Filled with all kinds of content from users around the world


  • Because of the quantity of the content it can be hard to view everything

For: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad with iOS 4.0 or later Anime & Manga Amino is optimized for iPhone 5.

Anime Amino

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